Chapter 8 Settling in

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- If you can't cross the river, build your way across it.

It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming.

And I must end that line there because I swear to All Might if Mai finds this book she's gonna start going nuts.

But I wasn't lying when I said it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, and there weren't that many clouds, allowing me to see the clear blue sky blending in with the morning yellow. Birds chip their morning melodies as I walk out of the house.

The morning seems perfect. Especially since it's the first day of UA's school year. I woke up nice and early and prepared myself for the first day of school.

It's funny. I'm becoming a staff at a school even though I have no experience with school. It's because I mostly taught myself at the local libraries when I was younger. Not to mention that there was a spirit in the library, who stayed there for quite a few years. They helped me with my education, which was nice of them. The ghost moved on after I became the Reaper.

After collecting my equipment and packing it into a small box, I took a step outside my doorstep and right to the gates of UA. I was early, with no students in sight. Principal Nezu was waiting for me at the front door with who I assumed to be another staff member.

Cementoss, if I remember correctly (In which I should). His quirk allows him to manipulate the concrete around him. A very powerful quirk. Useful in urban areas.

"Hello again!" Nezu raised his little paw, "Welcome to UA! We hope you enjoy your stay."

"For what it seems, I supposed I'm going to be here for all of the eternity..." I sighed as we entered the building. My box of equipment was hovering slightly above the ground, trailing behind.

"That would make things simpler for us, but you're more than welcome to resign anytime if you want."

"Good to know." We turned and walked up the stairs, Cementoss assisting Nezu to the next floor, "How are the students? Good? Well-behaved? Or chaotic and unbearable?"

"If you want to find out, you'll have to see for yourself," said Cementoss.

"... Is it too late to resign now?"

"Already?" Nezu said, with a sarcastic tone, "But you just began!"

"I'm not gonna force many kids into my life! I met two already, and they're such a pain..." I paused, "Except for one of them, elle es una buena chica."

"I was also hoping that you would wear something more...appealing to the students," Nezu stated. He was referring to my black dark robe.

"I'm not going to wear a suit and tie. They're tight and uncomfortable." I looked down at Nezu, "I'm sure you can agree with your baby-sized workwear."

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