Chapter 10 USJ (Part 2)

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"God, give me peace. Because if I ask for strength, Satan would be dead." - Death.

Even when using them myself, I must admit that my powers are...confusing.

I've already explained how my abilities work but within that range, more seems to pop up now and then. There was a time when I didn't know how to teleport, and suddenly I just did.

To refresh my memory, my quirk allows me to speak with the dead, and send their souls into the afterlife. Where in the afterlife depends on their merit here on Earth.

But then, I can somehow turn invisible, making me unseen to the naked eye? Since when can I do that? I keep forgetting that's one of my many abilities. Essentially, this also grants me the ability to phase through walls, like a ghost.

Additionally, due to my skeleton appearance, I'm able to summon bones in a variety of different sizes. From the floor, appear in thin air, and the most useful one: tracking.

I could feel it when my bones break. They are connected to my quirk, so they are connected to me. And I always know where they are.

So it's quite useful to help keep the people I want out of trouble.


But when the wrong person breaks it...

I promptly turned around to the students, "I'm not a villain, mind you. I'm here to save you all." I looked around, seeing the entire USJ building in chaos.

Oh boy, it was packed full of villains. I don't think I've seen so many villains in one place. Not to mention that this place was huge, Mai could be anywhere.

"Hm, have anyone seen Mai?" I asked the tape quirk student, "I'm sure she's supposed to be here, right?"

"W-We don't know!" Uraraka stated, "We were all separated by a warp villain, but everyone's still inside here."

"Tenya Iida has already gone to notify the school. He'll come back soon with the teachers." Shoji explained.

Needless to say, I'm impressed. The students managed to find a way to send help while trapped in a single place. It hasn't even been one week into their school year, yet they managed to survive for so long.

I turned to the students, "I suppose you can't call the school through your...cellphone thingy?"

"No, we haven't been able to." said Shoji, "We figured that some villain must be tampering with our connection, and hid themselves once they entered the USJ."

"... I see. Excuse me for one moment."

I disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

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