Chapter 7 Quirk Training

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Death is a natural occurrence that happens in life, a supernatural force that cannot be stopped regardless of what one might think. From dust, we all came, and to dust we will return.

But to think of Death as a person, one who can think and have his/her own views is rather unique. What would they be like? Evil? Sinister? Malevolent? Someone who takes pride in their job? Or would they be the complete opposite? Kind? Caring? Benevolent? Someone who takes pity on others.

I'll be honest, I'm not sure which side I'm on. At times, I would enjoy taunting and playing with my victims until I claimed their lives. Others, I care, give wisdom, and generally show love to the ones who lived poorly.

Today, a man on one of my contract lists challenged me to a game of chess. If he wins, I will spare him and he will get to live longer. If I win, well, you know the rest.

Certainly wasn't the best day for it. There are other souls I need to check in soon, I can't stick around for long. So I agreed to end this quickly.

I sat down at the table, the man had a confident expression. I was black, he was white. So according to the rules, he moved first.

"Why do you choose to challenge me?" I asked, "Death is inevitable, you'll die either way."

The man smiled, "Because I want to see the look on your face once I beat you."

And so, we played. He made his first move, the King's pawn to the centre. I mimicked his move, placing my pawn in front of him as well. Out of nowhere, he played his Queen.

'Ah, he intends to end this quickly.' I thought, 'That'll make things easier for me.'

I played along, moving a Knight near the centre. He placed a Bishop to attack the same pawn on the King-side Bishop.

Just as I thought, the 4-move checkmate. I moved my other Knight to attack his Queen, leaving me open for him to win.

"Checkmate." He announced, proudly. "Sorry Death, I win."

I nodded, "Are you ready to leave yet?"

He laughed, just for a few seconds until he processed the words I said. "What?" He said, confused.

I stood up and picked up my scythe, "I agreed to end this quickly, did I not? I didn't say I agreed to your challenge. Therefore, the deal was never sealed."

His eyes widened in panic, "N-No! That's not fair! You're cheating!"

I stared him down, "No, I simply did not accept your challenge. I'm running on limited time and need to get going soon. That's why I allowed you to beat me so easily. After all, you bested me once before. Now? It's Game Over. Poetic, isn't it?"

I raised my scythe, "Checkmate. Adios, amigo."

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