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So, I am on baby duty.

Actually, as a leader, I felt like I failed in being one because how did I not find a solution still on Jake hyung's case? I should have already known what to do.

They are relying on me but I failed them and now, our comeback is being pushed back. Everyone is excited to release new music again but then, Jake hyung turned into a baby and as their leader, I don't know what to do.

I am waiting for him to wake up as the others are resting and it is still 5 in the morning. I can't help but feel so bad whenever I look at our state. Everyone is worried and this shouldn't have happened in the first place if I am more cautious about everyone.

Baby Jake's eyes fluttered open and he looks well slept. He looks at me as I smiled at him hoping he won't cry because everyone is tired and I hate to disturb them. Letting them rest is the least I can do as I cannot help them in the crisis we are now.

He then crawled towards me before I felt him stand on the bed. I was shocked tho when he slowly pushed me to lay down as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

I'm confused.

He then sat beside me before his little hands came in contact with my face. He made me close my eyes and I felt those hands again on my hair as he combs through the locks.

Is he trying to make me sleep?

I didn't notice how I actually fell asleep instead of watching the baby.

When I woke up, I was met with a smiley baby.

"Good morning. . . I slept well . ."

I noticed how it is already 7 in the morning so it means, breakfast time for the baby.

"You hungry?"

He nodded before I stood up and carried him to the kitchen.

I don't know why but I felt weird when he's so behave when it comes to me. I mean, he didn't cry and he's just being chill. He's even smiling more. Makes me wonder, is it because of me?

When I settled the plates he wiggles on his chair as if he wanted to step down so I carried him.

"What's the matter?"

"Kitty,  . .down"

He pointed at the chair and so I sat on it with him on my lap then I got shocked when he climbed the table instead of eating.

"Jakey . . I don't think it is a good idea to eat on the - - a never mind, you're a baby"

He giggled at my defeated look before he grabbed my spoon and with a high level of concentration, he scooped the rice from the plate and fed it to me.

Sunoo hyung told me that Jake hyung also did this to him, but the difference is that Jake is also holding the fork as he grab some sausage with it.

"Num num"

I ate what he fed me and he again went back to trying to scoop rice and feed me some more of the sausage so I helped him and just guide his hands to my mouth. He seems to enjoy it a lot.

After my plate is finished, he then looks at me before opening his mouth wanting me to feed him so I did. How come he's enjoying my company? Well, I'll find it out soon.

"I'm happy you're enjoying my company. . . thanks for making me feel like I'm doing something right"

When I said that, he immediately turn his head towards me and he stops chewing.

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