🦋Chapter 26🖤

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Song: 10,000 Hours.
Artist(s): Dan+Shay ft Justin Bieber.


(Author's POV)

Getting a phone call that left her really disturbed Hajiya Maimuna felt numb throughout the day and nothing Hajiya Aminah said to try and convince her was working. Assar on the other hand sat quietly not surprised that her father could do such a thing but can't believe he would do it either.

The wedding invitation card for Maryam and Aliyu's wedding was ready and sent to Hajiya Maimuna's and Aminah's family home but their relatives sent it to them personally being that they have the address to the current house they staying.

Hajiya Maimuna shocked after seeing the invite immediately called her daughter to find out her father was the one who arranged the marriage and was forcing her into it. Filled up with anger Hajiya Maimuna quickly called her husband who ignored her calls refusing to pick any after them she decides to go to the house personally to confront him only to be welcomed by her daughter's voice crying loudly and her father yelling at her to better behave herself and get married otherwise she won't like the other side of him.

Angry at the site Hajiya Maimuna quickly hugged her daughter assuring her that she wasn't going to let any wedding happen which got Alhaji Shehu so upset yelling and insulting her on why she would return to his house without his consent. The two parents fought with each other which ended her up in a 2 times divorce.

After hearing her husband saying that  he's divorced her she became calm and surprised, what was he thinking how could he divorce her after 28 years of marriage. Not knowing what to do or how to react to this unexpected divorce she leaves the house with her daughter crying and begging her not to leave her alone.

Now that she's home and relaxed she keeps on regretting why she didn't come back with her daughter, she tried going back to get her but Alhaji Shehu has ordered the security guards not to let her or Hajiya Aminah into the house till the day of the wedding has passed.

Hajiya Aminah also disappointed by her husband's behavior tried calling him several times so she could speak to him and maybe convince him but still his not forgetting to give her the silent treatment as well.

Assar listening and observing every single thing that happened only felt the hatred she had for her father increased. She called get sister Maryam and Maryam couldn't stop crying and saying she doesn't want to get married to Aliyu and even her brothers couldn't do anything about it, every attempt they made always seemed in vain as now their dad was only thinking about himself and not anyone of them.

She wanted to call Aliyu but was filled with doubts about it, what if Arman comes to get a hold of her after that which stopped her from calling. She also wanted to go speak to her father personally but her mums wouldn't allow her as they no longer trust thier husband, he might just call Arman to take her with him after seeing her.

Time passed and the doorbell to the house ring, Assar goes to see who it is and welcomes Umar in. The family tells Umar about everything and well he was upset about it and promised to do anything in his power to see that the wedding got cancelled since the soon to be bride didn't want it as well.

He called Aliyu in their presence to have a word with him about the whole wedding and well the phone is currently ringing as they all hoped he'll pick up. After trying two times with no response Umar finally decides to try the last time and if there was still no response then he would go meet him personally but fortunately the man picked after the 4th ring.

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