🦋Chapter 35🖤

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Song: Thank you, next.
Artist(s): Ariana Grande.


(Author's POV)

It's Monday morning and Assar is awake by 5am as usual, after having salatul fajr she goes out to start her day by doing her chores and preparing breakfast for her and her mum after that she goes to have her bath before coming down to eat with them.

"Ummah Ina kwana (Mummy, good morning)" she said greeting the two elderly women as they responded before they all started eating.

Unlike other days this breakfast was quiet cause Assar was upset at her mums and didn't want to have any conversation with them which they both noticed.

"Maryam called last night and told me she'll be coming today with her husband" hajiya Maimuna spoke up as Assar looks at her, she had plans on going to see Arman today, if Maryam was going to come it means she can't go today till tomorrow.

Was it okay to leave Arman all by himself at the hospital, she hasn't seen him in three days and she don't even have the doctor's number, how is she sure they'll still carry out the surgery without payment and a guardian, who's going to sign the lawsuit.

Many thoughts kept going through her head at this point, she has to look for a way to be both here for Maryam and be at the hospital for Arman but how is that possible.

"He allowed her, Masha Allah, I guess his not as useless as Arman that didn't let us come visit Assar neither did he bring her over" her mum said out loud purposely to remind her of the kind of man Arman was.

"Yes mum we get it, at least I'm here now isn't that all that matters" she said as she sighed before looking at hajiya Maimuna

"Mum, what time would they be here?" She asked

"Later this afternoon" she responded as Assar nodded

"I need to go and visit Arman at the hospital today" she said as the women looked at her is disbelief

"You're joking right?" Her mum said

"At this point in my life they're no jokes" Assar responded before taking a sip of her tea

"And I'm the only one my husband has I cannot abandon him" she said

"Assar" her mum called

"Have you forgotten what he did to you ne?" She asked

"I've not forgotten mum, I'm well aware, and I still hate him for that however his my responsibility and if I leave him to die alone all by himself that wouldn't be justice to me and it's going to haunt me for the rest of my life" Assar responded as the two women looked at themselves before releasing a sigh

"Fine, you can go, however Umar would accompany you" her mum said

"No, I don't need him to accompany me, I'm not a child I can take care of myself and besides he had a night shift yesterday he must he tired and sleeping now" Assar said simply

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