9. Alone

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Is anyone there?
I asked the thin air
Not a single sound from anywhere

Nobody heard my cries
As hopeless thoughts arise
You always will be alone, they summarize
I shut my ears but the voices rise
I know running away isn't wise
But I am already a looser in my eyes

I am all alone, on my own
So prone to cuts to the bone
Might be grown yet so unknown
So, I just groan and moan from my tombstone

Yet no one heard my screams
Down came crashing a million dreams
Confused, keeps pushing me this flow streams
My future no longer gleams
I am still a failure, it seems
Always falling from extremes

No one there to show me some care
So much despair and I am alone to repair
I myself wipe a tear and a fake smile, I wear
No one is aware of this warfare, cause...I never declared

Feels like I have a heart of stone
Getting crushed, screams die in this cyclone
Still, no help...I am all alone


Hey, there depressed souls, here is a Sunday update. What better way to start the week than with such dark poems, right? 

For me, this one was average but I didn't have time to write another better one. So, please deal with it. I can't write only the best poems every time, okay? I am no god at poetry.

Vote, Comment, Share bla bla bla. You guys know what to do. Let's jump to the goodbye.

See you next week, folks!!!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now