26. Oh No, Again...?

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Oh no
I am drowing again
Though slow
I am choking on pain

I had thought that it was finished
That great war
But my life's spark is again diminished
That too what for?

This hell
Out of which, I did crawl
All was well
As much as I recall

Then, why?
Then, how?
Was it all a lie?
And is it real now?

Oh no
I am falling apart
Though slow
Tearing is my heart

I ran away from my ghosts
But forgot that I can't hide
Backed away from all my posts
By my own rules, failed to abide

I am tired of running
And they are gaining on me
Oh life is so cunning
Blurred is illusion and reality

Tell me when was it over?
Tell me if it ever was?
Am I life's mere rover?
Was it only a brief pause?

Oh no
I am again in this war
Though slow
I am shattering like before

On my throat, I feel the familiar strain of this chain
Oh no, I am falling, fighting, dying, drowning in pain again


Hey there, depressed souls! Tomorrow is once again my Maths exam and I am here...It's times like these when I question my life choices. 

Anyways, back to the poem. I am pretty proud of this one. It took me quite a lot of time but I managed it. I am short on time today as well because test series after test series and exams in between are taking their toll on me. I am just waiting for the Christmas break to come and relieve me of this misery a bit. 

Damn, life is hard!

I promise I will announce the details of my new poem book soon, I am just not getting time nowadays(As if anyone is even reading this or waiting for it). 

Vote, Comment, and Share the poem for my stunts of always publishing before the Maths exam. Wish me the best of luck because man, am I stressed out of my mind!

See you Soon!

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