14. Trauma

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If you could read my mind
You would be in tears
You say 'You are so kind'
I have survived your worst fears

It's just that, I don't anyone else to suffer
The way I did, honey, it doesn't make you tougher

All this just identifies you as strong
Shows the strength you had all along
But the pain you get, the price you pay is unfair and wrong

Trauma doesn't strengthen you
It breaks you bit by bit
Having no one to go to
Makes you want to quit

You get frustrated, why can't you just move on?
Like others, can't you forget and stop being a moron?

But you overlook they weren't going through the pain
Their life, they weren't struggling to maintain
So why do you want to have like their, a smart brain?

Stop asking 'Why me?'
Trauma isn't choosy at all
Everyone can drown in the sea
A billionaire and beggar both face downfall

Everybody has his own personal hell
The question is how good you are at hiding it
You can make your trauma's end well
Only if you refuse to submit

Trauma is just a minor obstacle or an entire wall
It all depends upon you
You can't prevent but cushion the fall
Everything comes down to your view

So, break those chains of trauma
Don't forget or forgive but recover
Life is just a pointless melodrama
But you always have the choice to rediscover

Heal that inner child, please
It's been bleeding for ages
Promise it and you can do it with ease
Trauma is just a chapter in life's book full of pages


Hey there depressed souls! My consistency has surprised even me this time. I am in the middle of my exams. My health isn't well, just the cherry on top, yet, I am writing and publishing poems. Something is seriously wrong with me.

Maybe I need to see a psychiatrist...

Vote, Comment, Share bla bla bla. I am low on energy today. So, excuse me.

See You Soon!!!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now