16. Thank You

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Thank you for breaking me
And teaching me hard lessons
I didn't drown in that sea
But I started breathing underwater, I confess

You taught me not to trust
You taught me life is unjust

You taught me I don't need anyone
Thanks for teaching me to walk through hell yet have fun

So, here is a big hearty thanks
For all the bitter truths you smacked on my face
Now I know people can stand on the banks
Watch you drown and mutter, what a shame, such a disgrace

Thanks for all the help you gave
By standing still while I drowned
Truth smacked me like a wave
I won't trust you now that I am on the ground

You broke me
But I got up Stronger than ever
Rose from the debrisYou tried to cleanup
You taught me to be clever

Your ignorance taught me care's value
And your hate, love
You shouldn't be sad, shall you?
I thank you, myself, I am proud of

I admire the courage I showed
When you stabbed my back
I thank you for leading me down the road
That made me brave instead of a maniac

Your criticism was eye-opening, honey
Brought flaws along with improvement in my view
Like me, you might not find the tables turning funny
But sweetie, I just want to say 'Thank You'


Hey there, depressed souls! Here is your Sunday poem. This is not one of my favorites but I was short on time this week and didn't have time to write a better poem. So, you guys have to do with a moderate poem this Sunday. I am sorry for that.

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See You Soon!

Midnight Poetry (2): Dark Poems With Concealed MotivationWhere stories live. Discover now