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Daisy walked with a skip in her step, her music pumping through her ears. She passed the school gates, watching helplessly as a boy had tipped Amerie's bag out.

"Here, I'll give you a hand." Daisy moved one headphone off picking up some of her belongings, feeling sympathetic towards the outcast girl.

"Cheers Daisy." Amerie smiled Dusty helping pick the rest of her belongings up, leaving Daisy to walk in by herself. Unfortunately this plan didn't last long Spider slinging his arm around her shoulder playfully.

"Get your grubby hands off me, Spider." Daisy cursed ducking so his arm slid off, a lazy grin hung on his lips.

"Chill out Dais, no harm done." He smirked putting his hands up in defence. It was clear he wasn't going to leave her alone as he matched her pace. Daisy stopped abruptly facing him annoyed.

"Can I help you Spider?" She clutched her books tightly, Spider fiddling through his pocket hastily.

"Yeah gimme a sec." He finally found what he was looking for retrieving Daisy's wrist before she could react. Spider slapped a band over Daisy's wrist, the teen finally able to pull her hand back.

"What the fuck!" She examined her wrist, the slap band detailed with an invitation.

"Calm down princess, it's an invite." Spider nodded his head at the band, Daisy sighing in defeat. "Love the shirt by the way." Spider winked looking her up and down, her oversized The Smiths band tee covering her skirt.

"To what may I ask?" Daisy glared back up at him, annoyance evident in her brows.

"Gig at Dusty's Friday, you are coming right?" He leaned over her, Daisy shrining at his height.

"To watch a band named the Cate Blanchett? I'll pass." Daisy was stopped again the tall boy blocking her path.

"Come on Dais, for me." Spider pleaded, disgust flashing across her face at his features.

"If I say yes, will you leave me alone?" Daisy gave in sighing, a grin spreading across the blonde's face.


"Shove off her ya gronk." Cash moved past Spider to sling an arm around Daisy's shoulder, blowing a puff of smoke at Spider before leading Daisy in the opposite direction.

"He's wasn't trying to root ya or anything aye?" Cash looked towards her hatefully glaring as Spider moved back towards his mates.

"Of course not Cashy, I had it you know? Didn't need you to come save me asshole." Daisy rolled her eyes shrugging his arm off of her.

"I know you did Dais." Cash gave her a guilty smile, putting his dart out as they stopped in front of the lockers. "Chook's been breathing down my fuckin neck." Cash cursed leaning back on the lockers, clearly stressed.

"Cashy you know where I stand." Daisy slammed her locker clutching her book, "They are cunts, and you deserve better Doug." Daisy lead the way the pair walking into Slt's.

Daisy and Cash took their usual seats towards the back of the classroom, as the class filled in, Jojo playing a loud video.

"In this demonstration, we learn
how to respect people's boundaries. Mmm.
I don't want your noodles. Sure you do. I want everyone to know how great my noodles are." Daisy made a disgusted face looking across the room a similar confused expression on Spider's. Daisy scolded herself for even looking in his direction as she turned her head back to the screen.

"I didn't even ask for your noodles. Well, maybe I'll put them in someone else's bowl.

"Oh, my God, k*ll me now." Darren spoke loudly, Daisy snickering at their comment.

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon