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Spider knew something was wrong. After Daisy had slipped from his house in the earlier morning he freaked. It showed up to Cash's house the next morning but no one was home. Cash looked just as worried.

Spider wasn't even sure if Daisy had returned home that morning. Thankfully she had let him treat her legs the night before but it didn't give him anymore comfort.

But by the earlier morning his mind was distracted with a different matter. His stupid decision to snitch on Amerie. Making up a harmful rumour to get out of SLT's.

Soon enough Amerie was being led out and he couldn't hide his smirk. He despised the girl, especially with the extra class.

"I bet-

The group descended into silence, Amerie wasn't the only one on the table. Out of the main office appeared a police officer leading a sobbing girl out of the building. Daisy Cooper covered her face with her damp sleeve tears uncontrollably streaming down her face.

Spider wanted to run to her but he couldn't move. He wasn't even sure if he was breathing.

"Daisy!" Cash called out rushing forward another police officer stopping him from coming near her as she neared the group.
"What are you doing ya dog, move!" Cash tried to push past him, Darren reaching out to stop him.

As she passed the group she looked to Cash with tear stained eyes, "They know Cashie, they got him." She paused as another cry left her lips. Just as Daisy had gotten past the group she looked back meeting the shocked eyes of a certain blonde, quickly casting her gaze to the ground.

"Fuck." Cash's face dropped as the groups attention turned to him, "What's happening Cash?" Darren grabbed his arm. "Fuck, I gotta go." He ignored Darren as he sprinted towards the student carpark his car keys ripped from his pocket.

"You're okay hun, you're safe now." The female officer rubbed Daisy's back as she was sat in the police car.

As soon as Daisy left the gates Spider had a better idea then Cash pacing towards the school building, police tape wrapped around his old classroom. He didn't waste another second ducking under the tape to scan his eyes over the table.

"Oi Spider mate!" Ant's voice sounded as he followed Spider's footsteps poking his head in the class. "What are you looking at?" He jumped over the police tape confused, Spidsr straightening back up his jaw agape.

"Shit." Was all he could manage Ant reading the large writing in red.

Daisy Cooper's dad beats her

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now