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"Spider?" Daisy was pulled inside quickly, Spencer eager to move through the house.
"Shit timing smart girl." He almost made it to her room before the voice piped up again.

"Spencer qui était-ce?" A voice called from the kitchen. Daisy's eyes furrowed as she noticed, the french from the lady's mouth.

"Spencer, who was that?" The confusion didn't leave her face as Spider looked to the kitchen. With a quick tug, she removed his grip on her. "Can you introduce me to your Mum, Spencer?" He stopped awkwardly, turning around.

"Are you sure... she's a bit much." He looked to the kitchen, hearing his name called once again. He didn't exactly look pleased at the voice but didn't want to look uncomfortable around Daisy.

"I'm sure, I don't want to be rude," she stressed. He hesitated before taking her hand, leading her into the kitchen.

The aroma of home-cooked meals and wine  wafted through the air as they entered the kitchen. "Hey Mum, this is Daisy... my... uh, friend." Daisy almost laughed at his word choice, thankfully containing herself noticing his uncomfortable expression.

"Oh, is this your girlfriend, Spenny?" She moved across the room immediately, Spider's hand tightening around hers a moment. Their interlocked hands were quickly separated when Spencer's mum brought Daisy into a tight hug, a bright smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. White," Daisy greeted kindly. "You have a lovely home; I love the art on your walls. I wish my house was like that." As she glanced around, Daisy genuinely admired the scattered paintings and the brightness exuded by the well-decorated kitchen.

"Thank you, Daisy. Please, please make yourself at home, tell let Spenny make you feel unsafe," Spencer's mum insisted, ushering Daisy further in the kitchen before Spider snapped out of his tense state reaching forward to grab Daisy's hand.

"Mum, we need to study." He tilted his head back downstairs the hallway, Daisy still overwhelmed at the odd expression his mother had mentioned.

"No you must-

"Je ne veux pas que tu parles à Daisy. Laisse-nous tranquille." She heard her name but that was the extent as Spider's accent changed at her spoke to his mother.

"Absurdité. Garçon stupide." Spider didn't leave Daisy in the kitchen a moment later pulling her from the kitchen. She didn't say anything as he pulled into the room. He paced the room frustratingly running his hands through his hair.

"Spencer?" She narrowed her eyebrows hugging her arms tightly around her. Sitting on his bed eventually he seemed to of calmed himself down, "Are you okay?" She didn't understand what he had said or why he was so upset about it.

"I'm fine Daisy truly. Just don't want to talk about it." He pulled open his laptop motioning for her to join him on the bed. Reluctantly she agreed brushing over the incident.

A few hours had passed since and Daisy's fingers continued to move across her page as she editing a few more words of her essay. She could feel him staring at her, he had been for majority of the time they were studying. "You'll never get anything done if you are too busy studying my face Spencer." She mumbled crossing out another line.

"What are you doing tonight?" He ignored her remark, running his finger along her knee as they sat beside each other on the floor.

"Nothing important." She looked to him, curious of what was following. "Why?"

"Me and the boys are going to this gig tonight, would you come?" She returned her eyes back to the paper, a slight blush on her cheeks.

"I don't want to intrude, it's your friends." She didnt want to make things awkward for him and his friends.

"You're not intruding anything, you could even bring Missy or something, as long as it's me you're making out with." Daisy smiled at his jab at the girl.

"Oh.. I mean I don't know, Missy is just such a better..

Spencer's lips crashed against hers, Daisy not surprised as her hands wrapped around his neck, her book sliding to the ground. "Not bad blondie." She tapped his cheek, pulling herself to her feet. "But I can't go like this." Daisy pulled at the casual outfit, Spencer pulling himself to his feet.

"So don't, wear my shirt." He pulled a shirt from his wardrobe shoving it in her hands, pulling his own shirt over his head. Daisy swiveled around, the shirtless teen smirking at the sudden blush of her cheeks again.

"Like what you see Coopers." Daisy pulled her own top off turning to face him, Spider's smirk dropping as his eyes scanned across her upper body.

"Like what you see Spence." She taunted pulling his shirt over his body, highlighting her figure. After a rushed hour of getting ready to pair were weaving through the crowd in the packed bar.

"Ant, oi!" Spider pulled Daisy beside him, their fingers interlocked tightly. Finally he stopped in front of Ant, pulling the girl in front of him.

"Oh hey.. Daisy?" Ant scrunched his face in confusion Spider sending him a pointed look. ".. Daisy oh uh hi." Ant diverted awkwardly, the brunette girl smiling in response.

"Hello Ant." She smiled in Spider's shirt, "I love your shirt." Her eyes drifted from his face to his shirt for a moment, Spacey Jane printed on his shirt.

"Thanks Daisy, Dusty's over there." Ant smiled tilting his head in the direction of the stage leading the couple further into the pub.

"Who are we even seeing Spence." Daisy tugged at his sleeve as they stopped, Spider leaning down slightly to hear her more clearly.

"Just some band Royel Otis I think." Daisy's hand squeezed Spider's hand rather tightly as the boy grinnned.

"You're joking right? I love that band Spencer." Daisy's eyes widened in excitement.

"I know you do." Spider pulled her forward as the band begun to get ready. Suddenly while Spider was busy talking to Dusty beside him, Daisy was yanked back by Ant.

"You've done bloody good Daisy, I'm glad you came." The teen smiled looking to his best mate, Spider the happiest Ant had seen him.

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now