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"I'm tired, was up all night.." He stopped mid conversation with Ant as she sent him a look, "Watching jelly wrestling." Last night certainly didn't include watching Jelly wrestling.

Beside her Cash rubbed his neck awkwardly, Daisy refused to do his washing the day before allowing it pile up on his floor. Cash now sported a light blue tshirt practically looking like his first day of prep.

"Wish this annoying class was cancelled." Daisy rested his face in her hands as she waited patiently below her desk her feet tapping impatiently, "I'm so behind." Cash turned his full attention to her.

"Stop lying to yourself you'll catch up in seconds Dais." He nudged her, bring a soft smile to her lips. He was right, she'd catch up by the arvo. With moving out and stuff with her dad she'd missed around a week. Nothing too damaging for year 10.

"Get off the table, Spencer!" Turning her head around she noticed Spider sitting lazily on his desk, dragging himself off at the mention of his name. Sending her a sly wink she swivelled back around blushing.

They hadn't officially told anyone of their relationship but it wasn't exactly well-hidden. Moved into a different classroom, most of the class were mucking around as Woodsy insulted the first person she saw.

"Uh, Miss, why have we moved classrooms?" Daisy scribbled a few notes in her book before the class had even started. Just reminders for the term.

"Where's Miss Obah?" Darren added clearing their throat. Daisy noticed the absence similarly. She quite liked Miss Obah, much more likeable than Woodsy.

"Miss Obah will not be taking the sexual literacy tutorial any longer. There is a new sheriff in town." Daisy hid her disbelief laughing behind her hand.

"What the fuck." Spider muttered rather loudly a few seats behind her. He extended his legs in front of him rested on the table as his eyes drifted to the bow holding Daisy's long up. It was white and tied loosely, Spider recalling spotting it in her bedroom the previous night.

"Sheriff." Missy was the next to speak up. After the incident Missy was the first to spam her. She'd called her at least 97 times before she'd got her brother to drop her off. The girls spent that afternoon eating Maccas and gossiping.

"It's me! I'm the sheriff." Woodsy waved her hands matter of factly. Spider's eyes drifted to Daisy again watching her finger tap along the desk almost in rhythm. He watched as her hands dipped into her bag and she retrieved her airpods slipping one in. She was worried about something he was sure.

"..Seven weeks ago, you were put into this class. Can anyone tell me why?" Daisy turned her music up a fraction as the class continued. Blasting boygenius during class was her favourite.

"And yet the tradition of documenting sexual exploits continued right under Miss Obah's nose. This indicates to me that you have learned very little. So because you cannot learn to R-E-S-P-E-C-T sex or each other it's time to get serious."

"Oh fuck." Daisy shielded her eyes then her spare hand across the table to shield Cash's eyes too, the boy gagging at the sight. Her enjoyment of her music didn't last long as Sasha's laugh travelled the loudest, the rest of the class groaning and avoiding the nasty infection on the screen.

"This is a yeast infection." The gruesome sight was displayed on the projector, Woodsy pointed rather satisfied with the effect,

"Oh, God." Ant gulped loudly, a shudder in Daisy's own figure.

"God will not be helping you if you get one of these, Anthony. It also affects the male genitalia," Anothrr picture flickered and Daisy let out another silent curse, "A disease that understands equity and inclusion better than some of you."

"It is caused by unprotected sex and poor personal hygiene." Daisy couldn't wait to leave the class hurrying off to her English class as soon as the bell had rung. Spider seemed to be skipping not present. She didn't really mind she had work to finish.

story explores friendship, loneliness, and the harsh realities of the american dream

Daisy flicked across the next page of, Of Mice and Men. She heard the dragging of feet grow closer to the door until Spider poked his head in the doorway.

"Hey smart girl, Map Bitch is having a protest. Keen?" He grinned leaning further against the doorway, his bag over one shoulder lazily.

"You really shouldn't call Amerie that." Daisy had already begun packing up her stuff making way to the door, "And you shouldn't call me that." Playfully shoving his shoulder he turned slinging an arm over Daisy's shoulder as they walked.

Joining the rest of their classmates, Spider moved his hand instead using it to drag Ant from a seperate class. Meanwhile whisked away by Darren and Quinnie, despite being non verbal, the joyful girl drew on Daisy's face while she waited patiently.

"Darren no dicks please." She noticed them begin to tend her face, while she felt Quinnie spell out SLTS. Darren with a sigh moved their hand away grabbing an inflatable penis instead.

"Sluts! Sluts! Sluts!" The chanting grew louder as they marched through the corridors. The doors were locked and Woodsy left outside.

"This is a protest." Daisy laughed as Spider decked his pants mooning the principal, "SLTs have officially taken over the admin building over the resignation of Miss Obah.
She's been unfairly targeted by administration and the school at large
over recent defamatory allegations." Daisy held up her own sign stated, BRING BACK JOJO.

"Which were batshit by the way, we did not have sex. We demand that Miss Woods rejects her resignation and reinstates Miss Obah to her former position as English teacher and SLTs class teacher."

"We will not be leaving the premises until she is officially reinstated.

"Miss, we swear it's for a good cause." Darren beside Daisy held their inflatable penis proudly until Woodsy snapped jumping to clutch the toy.

"Get that inflatable penis out of my face!" Daisy's eyes widened as she fought to rip the inflatable from Darren's grip.

"Give me the penis, Darren! You want w*r, I'll give you w*r!" She shouted angrily waving her fist. Daisy noticed Woodsy's dog at her feet a moment.

"She's gonna k*ll us!" Darren shut the window timidly, a dramatic exclamation from their lips.

"I'm calling your parents! And I want my dog back!" Daisy picked the dog up behind her the small creature curling up in her arms. She sent Woodsy a thumbs up pretending to wave the dog's paw. This only seemed to infuriate the principal more, the chanting growing louder.

"Okay Amerie. She's definitely mad, what's the plan now?" Daisy turned to face the girl sat in the office chair. Looking around at the students around she sighed loudly.

"We wait until she meets our demands."

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu