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Daisy swivelled around her disposing of her cigarette. Met with a smug face Daisy jumped back startled, "Fucking hell!" The blue dressed PE teacher was smug for one reason. She'd been caught.

"Fucking hell is right! Coopers I reckon! Need you for the photo." With a tight grip between her fingers she rolled her eyes a soft groan, "Than we can deal with consequences." He referred to the blunt butt of the joint.

Cursing silently she followed the teacher into the gym where she avoided prying eyes. The new teacher thankfully was silent as he sent her a pointed look to join the class.

"What have you done smart girl." Spencer whispered in her ear as he met her around the back of the group. As much as his tone was joking she knew he was pissed.

"Finished bickering with the children?" She retorted avoiding his stare as she faced the front. She felt his hand brush hers but she pulled her hand away wrapping them around herself instead.

"So it's lovely to see all your lovely faces. Now, I would like to introduce a very special new student to our school. His name is Rowan. He comes all the way from Dubbo. Let's give Rowan a big welcome.
Rowan from Dubbo." Woodsy announced pointing towards the clearly obvious new kid.

"Hey, farmer wants a wife!" The class clapped awkwardly while Daisy ignored her jeering boyfriend beside her, "Come on laugh Daisy, it's funny." He turned his attention back to her as Woodsy scolded him for the front.

"Aw, it's giving Morgan Wallen." Missy's mocked from the front as more insults went Rowan's way. Daisy sighed softly pinching the bridge of her nose, "I hate this school." Spencer snickered Sasha mentioning the term, 'farm-core'.

"Calm your farm everybody." Daisy couldn't help the smile on her lips from Woodsy's wording, more laughter from the class.

"Sorry, Vest&Less. Do you sleep in a shed or..." Taking a very much obvious step from Spider his yells drowned out as he looked to Daisy. "Thank you. We have the photographer for ten more minutes."
BANG! Daisy covered her ears her cheeks flushing from embarrassment. Her worst fear, loud noises.

"Okay Daisy?" He mumbled, a few curses throughout the group of students most notable Harper, "Hmm?" She nodded softly as she brought her hands down from her ears. Totally embarrassing.

"I'm sure that you all remember head of PE, Mr. Timothy Voss. Give a welcome back." Slow claps sounded from the class but hardly anything exciting.

"Thank you. Thank you, Principal Woods.
Uh, great to be back alongside you in the flesh. Heard you had an interesting term last term. Yeah. Looking forward to getting things back on track now that I'm back. So, as I always say..." Imitating some sort of noise Daisy's face contorted in disgust, "Let's get ready to score some goals!" He pumped his arms.

"Okay, so I've got goals for you. I'd like you to all have lovely big smiles. Your hair nice and tidy, and Amerie, if you could refrain from closing your eyes like you have done." Daisy tidied her hair from Woodsy's comment to Amerie, tucking it behind her ears.

"Okay, everybody. And three, two-

"Hang on a second. Where's Ant?" Daisy asked out loud looking beside Spencer who had just begun to swivel his head around.

"Oi! Anthony Vaughn's chopping his d*ck off in the quad." Spencer moved past her first, 'fucking ant' he mumbled as he took off in the direction of the commotion.

"God give me strength." Daisy followed after shaking her head as she caught up to the blonde. "Fuck Spencer." Instead of jumping it to stop Ant from chopping his dick off Spider held a hand to his mouth covering his open jaw, "Do something." She shoved him forward as Ant spoke.

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now