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Daisy kept her head down as hurried past the courtyard, clutching her books tightly to her chest. Just as she thought she had got through the crowd she bumped into a hard shoulder, her Physics book tumbling to the ground.

She cursed silently as she bent down to pick it up crashing heads with an unlucky blonde headed boy. "Fuck" He cursed as he rubbed his head bending down alone to hand her the book.

Daisy was too busy looking away as Spider handing her the book muttering a quick sorry before moving past her. Daisy brushed the meaningless incident off opening her locker tensely. She almost jumped out of her skin when a tan boy had tapped her shoulder, timetable in his hand.

"Shit I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." The boy apologized profusely, Daisy slowing her breathing down.

The boy in front of her seemed new, he was quite attractive. "First day?" She questioned kindly taking his timetable off of him.

"How'd ya know?" He chuckled standing beside the girl, hovering over her. "Names Malakai? You seemed friendly enough thought I'd give a shot at making a friend." The tan boy smiled warmly.

"I'm Daisy, nice to meet you Malakai." She introduced herself reading the timetable intently, "Well we have almost all of the same classes so you should be alright-

Both Malakai and Daisy swiveled their heads when some shouted across the hallway, "Oi! There's a fully-gacked sex map in the old stairwell!" A student yelled running down the hall followed by a swarm of students.

As much as Daisy tried to resist seeing it she was curious to how much her name was on there. She joined Malakai as the pair moved through the crowded staircase reaching the top.

Daisy's eyes scanned the wall finishing Spider's name before his name only connecting to a few thankfully not Daisy's. Beside Cash's name written in yellow ink Daisy's name stood out. She was connected to a few of the boys at the school, a few girls including Missy, the only surprising one of the map being hers and Cash's name despite the pair never engaging in more than kissing (one time in primary school).

"Daisy Cooper swings both ways!" Dusty scoffed Daisy moving past Spider and his group sticking the finger up at Dusty as she left the stairwell. Daisy didn't mind that everyone knew she liked girls as well, the only thing truly bothering her was the looks Spider had given her in the stairwell.

Spider had never noticed her before so why was it so obvious now. So much for keeping it on down low.

Before Daisy had managed to make it to assembly she had been dragged into a room, Cash's hand gripping hers tightly. "When were you going to tell me?" He cursed, a flash of hurt in his eyes.

"What are you talking about Cash?" Daisy's eyebrows furrowed as she prayed he didn't know about Spider.

"You hooked up with Ant? Dais you know how I feel about that group, the lot of 'em will give ya some kind of disease." Cash leaned back on a school desk lighting a cigarette as he blew the air out.

"Oh right." Daisy nodded, "We were safe Cash, plus it happened months ago. I would've found out by now." Daisy shrugged pulling Cash towards the door of the classroom.

"Now Cashy what's this about these fellas you are hooking up with." She smiled proudly linking her arm in his as he grew red, "I'm so proud of you." She kissed his cheek as the pair left the room separating so Cash could wag assembly.

Daisy chose her seat wisely as she took a spare seat beside Darren, Quinni greeting the girl. "Hello Quinni." Daisy smiled fiddling with her fingers nervously.

"Hey Daisy, Darren won't tell me but what's a lazy kebab?" Quinni questioned curiously Daisy growing red, Darren slapping their hand over Quinni's mouth.

"I am a woke woman!" The Principal announced, "I enjoy sex as much as the next person." Laughter erupted through the students, Daisy smiling herself. "Yes! But reputation is everything and this map has jeopardized your reputations and the reputation of our school. On the first day back." She scoffed, Daisy hearing whispering between Amerie and Harper sound.

"We are currently in the process of contacting all the parents of everyone on this map-

Daisy's eyes grew wide as Darren noticed her tense. If Daisy's father had found out about the girl's she had hooked up with he would surely flog her. Darren extended their hand gripping Daisy's comforting, Daisy smiling softly at their kindness.

Daisy zoned out for the rest of the assembly standing to go to class as the students cleared off. Daisy headed off to her French lesson swiftly only to be interrupted by Ant and Spider the pair pulling her to the side.

"How can I help you gentlemen." Daisy looked up to the pair, Ant quickly speaking.

"Dusty's having a little gatho at the cemetery tonight Dais, and he wants you there." Ant informed her, Daisy chuckling at Spider's antics the boy looking in every direction except at the short girl.

"If Cash is there I'll be there, thanks Ant." Daisy moved past the pair walking into her classroom. Daisy's day went smoothly after that up until a new class she had to pick up labelled Sexual Literacy Tutorial.

Daisy sat in the far corner, Spider's gang sitting on the table beside them, the blonde haired teen refusing to take his eyes off of Daisy. "Oi eshay bah." Spider teased as Cash flicked them off moving past the table to sit beside Daisy.

"Are we going cemetery Cash?" Daisy shrunk lower in her seat when Dusty had begun talking about it louder.

"I gotta deal Dais, I could use the company." Cash muttered softly, avoiding asking the girl to come but he was desperate. Chook was breathing down his neck and frankly it was getting to him.

"Of course Cash, can you pick me up? Dad's taken the car again." Daisy sighed pulling her legs onto the seat in front of her.

HEARTBREAK HIGH; •Spencer White•Where stories live. Discover now