Chapter Three

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Just a heads up there will be a fight on this part so read at your own convenience or should I say read at your own secrecy haha. Alright! Enjoy!

It took place at the high school when the other boy started making fun of Bryce because he gained a lot of weight. "Oh look! That Bryce James and he's pregnant," "Hey! Can you leave him alone?" Chloe shouts. "Why? It's the truth, he should have known better not to have a baby," Bryce frowns and said. "Hey! Just leave me alone," "I'm trying to help you, you know?" "Oh yeah, you're trying to help me? How stupid of you," Bryce comes to confront the boy and then ended up pulling his hair. "You stupid fool! Don't you dare speak to me like that!" The janitor tries to break them up as the principal noticed the two men were fighting. He had to call the parents of Bryce about what happened and then the other boy's parents.

They were sent to the principal office. The other boy's parents were there to find out what was going on and the boy's mom apologized to Bryce for the incident. "That's fine," Bryce said. "I'm just trying not to go on through stress," "That's good! I'll talk to the other boy ok?" He nodded. LeBron and Savannah went to have a talk with the principal. Although, he won't suspend Bryce because he had good grades. "What on earth did you do to Bryce?" The boy's mother questioned him. "Mom, it's a not a big deal okay? I'm trying to help him," "Help him? Oh no you don't! He's pregnant! Don't you know that?" The boy was surprised. "Pregnant? How on earth did you know?" "Bryce told me," The Bully's father replied. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" "Apologize to Bryce right now!" The boy's mother said. "Fine!" He came to him and said. "I'm sorry," "That's fine," He replied. "Just next time try to get some help," He nodded and then went home. The principal had suggested for Bryce to do an online class for the sake of the pregnancy and the baby. LeBron and Savannah went to have a talk with the principal and they decided to do the alternative.

"Bryce, what did I tell you about fighting?" "Sorry dad, I didn't know," "That's alright, it happens. But don't do that again my dear," Later on, the boy's parents came to talk with LeBron's parents and said sorry about the boy getting into a fight with Bryce. Chloe was there with him and said. "Don't stress yourself out bro," Bryce nodded. "I'll get you some Ice-," Bryce faints on the floor as the parents of LeBron and Chloe took them to the hospital. The doctor placed him on the bed rest for 3 days. Although, thankfully he and the baby was unharmed. Since it was not good for Bryce's pregnancy when it comes to fighting, they decided to stay in the room for 3 days before Bryce is discharged from the hospital.

Bronny and Zhuri came to visit him and asked what had happened. Long story short Bryce passed out from exhaustion. Although, he and the unborn baby were both alright and nothing harm was done. The doctors advised for Bryce to get some rest before he heads home to be with his family.

Chloe comes to visit Bryce.

Chloe: hey there sista! What's up?

Bryce James: been great. Just taking it easy

Chloe: that's good!

The boy's parents came to visit Bryce and gave him some get well cards for him since he had to take a rest.

Boy's mother: Hey I just wanted to let you know that I reprimanded the boy for fighting you.

Bryce James: thanks, I don't know what I would be if it wasn't for you.

Boy's mother: anytime, but don't you worry, he's suspended from school and I cannot tolerate that kind of behavior like that and that is not how I raised him.

Bryce James: I see.

Boy's Mother: anyways, I had a talk with your parents and everything is fine now.

Bryce James: thank you and I'm very sorry for the incident that I caused.

Boy's mother: Don't even worry about it, you're fine.

Even the principal sent him the get well wishes and he lets him know that he sent the paperwork to his parents. Yet, the boy who fought Bryce was sent to the counseling to get the help he needed.

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