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Saturday, August 12th, 2023

*Maya's POV*

I groan feeling my body ache as I begin to wake up. A slight headache, but mainly my lower back and legs were achy. Then after feeling the arms wrapped around my waist, I remembered last night and the events that took place on these sheets.

I smile turning my head to see a sleeping Colby, his lips slightly separated, his hair messy, and the sound of light snores escaping his mouth. He was just the cutest. I turn my head back over to see that my phone was indeed plugged in on my bedside table. Must've been Colby, he really is the sweetest.

I grab it to see the time, 11:14 am. I yawn opening my phone to the camera app, turn over and snap a photo of him. I forgot to make sure that my phone was on silent because when I took the picture, it made the camera shutter sound. I widen my eyes as I hear Colby groan and shift slightly. I put my phone under my pillow to hide the evidence and watch as he slowly opens his eyes, staring at the ceiling at first until his eyes met mine.

He smiles dreamily at me and pulls my waist in tighter, "Good morning beautiful." God his voice was so sexy and deep in the morning. It could make me redo last night all over again.

"Good morning handsome," I smile placing a hand through his hair to comb is out. He snuggles his face into the crook of my neck and mumbles something while leaving butterfly kisses on my neck, tickling me.

"What was that baby?" I giggle, placing my hand around his neck to push him back so I can hear him more clearly.

"I said," he starts saying as he gets on top of me and begins to tickles my sides, "I heard the click of your camera."

I start laughing hard from the moment he started tickling me. My ticklish spots are the one thing that I can't hide, any slightest touch sets off my laughter. I try to push him off but he's too strong for me, especially now that he places my hands above my head with one of his hands and the other one is doing all the tickling. He holds my legs down with his so I don't accidentally kick or knee him. I try to breathe but the laughter keeps coming. My face starts to hurt.

I finally am able to get out, "I-I'm sorry. Y-you were just so-o cute!" I scream of laughter.

He finally stops but stays positioned on top of me. I close my eyes and catch my breath. Once I open them, I am met with the beautiful ocean blue orbs that I fell in love with the moment I met them. Of course at the time, I never thought we'd be here. I thought it was just going to be the one time I saw him and then he'd be gone with the wind.

"I love you," I breathe out. I can't help but admire his every feature, my favorite being the rush of red that covers his cheeks whenever I say those words to him. He smiles his toothy and goofy smile. He leans down and places a sweet kiss on my lips. "I love you too," he says once pulling back.

He releases my hands and crawls off me, standing up. I groan, "Where are you going?"

He laughs at my neediness, "The bathroom babe."

I sigh dramatically, "Fiiiiinnnnnee. I guess I'll make some coffee."

I go to stand up and end up grabbing onto the side of my bedside table. Colby chuckles at me.

"Fuck you," I say annoyed. "You did," he smirks walking into the bathroom and closing the door. His comment made me roll my eyes and smirk. That's just how we were, small back and forth banter, and I loved it. I balance myself and head towards the door with a small limp while rubbing my back since it was sore. Luckily, Colby had helped me change into a sports bra and a pair of his boxers last night, that way my pussy wasn't hurting more with a thong rubbing along it.

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