Extraordinary seedlings

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Strawberries, cucumbers, and eggplants all need to be cultivated first.

She wants to cultivate the seedlings here in the space first, and then take them out to plant.

She was already used to doing these things.

Now if I do it again, I am still as skillful.

There was a field of strawberries right in the core of the space, and when Song Ling activated her supernatural powers, these strawberries were growing and reproducing at a rapid rate.

One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight...

It only took Song Ling half an hour to cultivate the strawberry seedlings to be planted on the several acres of land tomorrow.

Taking over, she started cultivating eggplant seedlings, cucumber seedlings, melon seedlings, etc. It only took less than an hour to finish the work.

Song Ling packed the cultivated seedling layer by layer in plastic frames.

She would look for an opportunity in the evening and put these seedlings and the compost piled in the space on the farm together.

When Shen Han and the others go to work tomorrow morning, they can apply the compost directly to the ground and plant the seedlings.

Song Ling had been making preparations in the space, and every now and then she had to go out to see if Little Xixi had woken up yet.

When it was 2:30 in the afternoon, Song Ling saw that Little Xixi hadn't woken up yet and went out to wake her up, "Little Xixi, don't sleep, wake up and eat some fruit."

Xiao Xixi rubbed her eyes, sat up, threw herself into her arms, and said coquettishly: "Mommy, I'm still sleepy, I still want to sleep~"

Song Ling coaxed her, "You can't go back to sleep, if you sleep too much in the afternoon, you won't be able to sleep at night, be good, be obedient, get up, mommy will wash the fruits for you to eat."

Xiao Xixi responded obediently: "Okay, Xixi listen to mommy~"

"Good girl~"

Song Ling kissed her, tied her hair and put her clothes on, then took her little hand, walked to the hall, and asked her to sit down first.

Song Ling took the fruit plate and filled it with strawberries and cherry tomatoes. After washing it, she brought it to Xiao Xixi and said, "Xixi, come here, eat the strawberries."

Although cherries are also delicious, but it has a core, for a 3 year old child to eat, Song Ling worried that she would choke, so she did not take it out for her to eat.

Sweet and delicious strawberries and cherry tomatoes, as well as bananas, watermelons and other fruits are more suitable for children to eat.

Xiao Xixi also likes to eat these fruits.

Later in the evening, she drove out and sent some fruit to her brother who was studying in the provincial capital. When she came back, she brought back a box of watermelon for everyone to eat.

After Xiao Xixi finished eating the fruit, Song Ling washed her face and hands again, then held her little hand and went downstairs.

The mother and daughter walked downstairs, where Shen Han and the others were preparing to go to work on the farm.

Song Ling said to Shen Han, "Shen Han, I'm going out for a while. You are responsible for leading the team and arranging their work."

When Song Ling was talking to Shen Han, everyone else was also there and heard what she said.

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