Pledge Oneself

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He only allows guests to consume in the hotel, but does not allow them to take away. The reason is insufficient supply.

As a result, in order to eat these unforgettable, delicious fruits and vegetables, those guests have no choice but to go to the Sea Pearl Hotel.

This has also led to a steady increase in the turnover of the Sea Pearl Hotel, making Mr. Yang and the others smile crookedly with joy.

After Cheng An and Song Ling confirmed the next project, they called Mr. Fei to report.

"Mr. Fei, I just discussed it with Ms. Song. She said to build the warehouse and factory first. She hopes that we can send more manpower here to help her build the warehouse and factory as soon as possible so that she can easily transfer goods."

Fei Yinzhou heard him say that Song Ling said that only by building a warehouse would it be easier to transfer goods.

He immediately said to Cheng An: "Then send more manpower and help Ms. Song build the warehouse as quickly as possible."

"Not only must the speed be fast, but the quality of the project must also be the best. There must not be any problems, understand?"

"I understand, I understand. I'm here to keep an eye on it all day long to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Cheng An had long known how important Song Ling was in the eyes of his big boss. Naturally, he did not dare to object and could only nod in assurance.

After hanging up the phone from Cheng An, Fei Yinzhou thought for a while and called Song Ling.

Song Ling saw the call from Fei Yinzhou and clicked the call. "Hello, Mr. Fei, do you have any advice?"

Fei Yinzhou heard the teasing in her words and smiled back at her, "I don't dare to tell you. Didn't you go to Star City? Why did you come back so soon?"

Song Ling replied back: "Things went well, I came back when it was done."

Then, she asked Fei Yinzhou, "Mr. Fei, I have a question for you. If the nanny came out to testify, He Qihang asked her to take the child into the bathroom, but she did not drown the child with her own hands. I have a recording. Can He Qihang and the nanny be brought to justice?"

Fei Yinzhou thought for a while and said to her: "I think this professional question needs to be asked to a lawyer. Can you please send me the recording? I will ask the lawyer for you."

"Okay, I'll send it on to you now."

Song Ling hung up the phone and sent the recording of her conversation with Du Zhaonan to Fei Yinzhou.

She asked Fei Yinzhou again, "Mr. Fei, can this recording and the transfer record from He Qihang to Du Zhaonan be considered complete witnesses and physical evidence?"

Fei Yinzhou replied: "It should be considered. As far as I know, recordings and transfer records are both evident. As long as they are verified to be true and can be mutually confirmed, they can be convicted."

Song Ling felt relieved when she heard his answer, "That's good. Thank you, Mr. Fei. During this time, I owe you so many favors that I don't even know how to repay them."

Four words immediately came to Fei Yinzhou's mind: With your body. 

But he also felt that, saying this was rude to her, so in the end he did not say these words.

He switched to saying: "Then treat me to dinner!"

Song Ling nodded immediately, "Okay, when is the time? You decide, and I promise to accompany you."

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