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You had been feeling down recently, like you couldn't catch a break. The pressure of being a counter and balancing a normal life is hard, being a counter is hard.

Your behavior had changed, the once happy and talkative Y/n become the gloomiest and less-talkative person you will ever meet.

You felt hopeless, depressed, and sad. You were lost in thought, then a knock was heard on your door.

You opened the door to see So-Mun.

"Hey?" You said, in a slightly questioning tone.

"Hey." He walked in your room, not closing the door behind him.

"Close the door. And, while your there, leave." You commanded.

"No, I noticed your behavior changing recently," He smiled, "And I'm gonna stay until you tell me the problem." He finished, and closed the door behind him as he went to sit in the chair of your desk.

"I don't owe you an explaination."

"You kinda do."

"Your going to be here for awhile then."

"I guess so."

'there's no way he would be able to stay here for hours' You thought to yourself.

Hours passed by and he still wouldn't leave your room. You didn't want to talk to anyone about your personal feelings, after all, they were your feelings, not anyone else's. No one is going to hear about them except you, or so you thought.

"Fine! Will you leave if I do?!" You hissed at him. He nodded as you began to speak, "I feel like I'm a burden to you all. I feel like I don't belong, Luke I'm the problem and that's why I need to leave."


"I sometimes wonder what would happen if I wasn't a counter, if I was never born, if I didn't fall I to a coma, if I was a normal person living a normal life."

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked.

"I don't know. I guess I just... Didn't want to..." You answered.

He walked over to you and pulled you into a hug, tears welled up in your eyes, then they run down your cheeks.

"Next time, you need to tell us." He said, rubbing circles on your back and comforting you.

You felt like all your burdens had been lifted after you had someone to talk to, you felt safe in his arms.

He wiped the tears of your face using his thumb, cupping your cheeks.

You both stayed like that for a few minutes, until you pulled away.

"Thank you, Mun."

"No problem, I'll leave now."

He left your room, closing the door in the process. For the first time in awhile, you felt, Happy. All thanks to So-Mun.
{• Word count: 446 •}

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