4| °• Sleep and Confess •°

501 16 2

So-Mun had his head in your lap as he fell asleep, leaving you with a sleepy So-Mun, sleeping.

You didn't want to wake him up, he looked so comfortable, so cute. No, you can't be thinking like this, you and him are like family, and family do not date each other! Though... You weren't related by blood... No- you need to be able to block out your thoughts, Y/n.

You were thinking about something, lost in thought until you heard a notification on your phone, it read:

< Hey, you still up for the party tonight? >

'Fuck.' You thought, you had completely forgotten you agreed to go to the party tonight, but you couldn't just wake So-Mun up, he looked adorable laying his head right on your lap, I mean, you would hate it if someone woke you up from your slumber just to go to a party.

You texted her back, saying:

{ Hey, sorry, but I don't really think I can make it. I have stuff to do. } You lied, the real reason is because you didn't want to wake you-know-who now.

< We have talked about this for months! Come on, don't be such a party pooper. >

{ Sorry, but I'm like, really busy, maybe next time. }

< Oh please, Y/n! >

The hours that had passed by we're just you and your friend arguing about the party, just arguing back and forth with each other.

{ You know, I'm tired of this. No means no. Respect that. I'm not going to keep texting or calling you especially since you wont listen. }

You shut off your phone so she couldn't call and or text you anymore.

You ruffled your hands in his fluffy hair, 'God he's adorable.' you thought to yourself.

And after a few more minutes So-Mun finally woke up.

"Morning." You laughed, twirling your hands his your hair.

"Morning..." He said, getting up, his voice a bit deeper as he just woke up from a deep slumber, "How long was I asleep for?"

"Five hours, minimum."

He yawns tiredly, "guess I'm going to sleep again."

"Huh, I didn't know our ace was so lazy." You chuckled

"Hey! What that supposed to mean!" He hissed.

"You know, you look adorable."

"So you think I'm cute?'

"Wha- No- That's not what i-" you trailed off as he pulls you into a tight hug.

"And your clingy too. Great, just great."

"Oh come on, you know you love me."

You sigh, of course it was true but you didn't want to have to admit it. Endless possibilities would go through your head if you even just thought of confessing.

"Yeah." You covered your mouth with your hand, shit. You did not mean to say that, it randomly blurted into your mouth. This is an all time low for you, accidentally confessing was your worst nightmare.

He pulls back from the hug, "What?" He asked.


"You think I'm... Cute?"

"No- uh- I didn't say that- when did I say that-?" You repeated, nervousness laced in your tone.

"Are you sure? Because you keep stuttering and repeating your words over and over..."

"Yeah, I am so sure. So sure." You replied, unsureness also visible in your tone.

"You know uh... I wouldn't mind if you did... Because, I like you too."

You pause in your place, almost like someone had clicked the pause button in real life, "Excuse me, what?"

You blinked furiously, making sure you weren't hallucinating and that this was real.

"So I guess that means..."

"We're dating? Yeah I think so." He finished your sentence, placing a peck on your lips.

"I'm gonna pass out-" And like you said, you passed out in an instant.

{• Word Count: 626 •}

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