6| °• Bullet, bloodbath •°

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"I stepped on one." As soon as Ha-na spilled that out her mouth, you all became silent.

"What's the level?" You asked.

"It's a level one." She replied.

"I'll go then." You said, walking towards the exit of Eonni's Noodles.

"Wait-" He pulled your wrist, stopping you where you stood, "I'll go with you, Y/n."

"Fine, Mun-ah."

"Aw, look at the two lovebirds." Teased Motak.

"You know if there wasn't an evil spirit on the loose, you'd be dead by now." You smile sarcastically.

"That's why I said it while you are going on a mission."

You squint your eyes at him, "Touché."

Exiting the noodle shop, you talked to your earpiece and asked, "Where is it, Ha-na?"

"Near the abandoned building nearby."

"I'm on my way now." You sprinted, running as fast as you could to the abandoned building where Ha-na saw the spirit. Although it was a level one, you couldn't risk it. A level one will turn into a level two, and the a two would turn into a three, then a four. It would be like Ji Cheong-sin all over again, and you really did not want that to happen.


You made it to the building, then and there you saw the evil spirit, holding a knife, ready to kill the man located in front of him.

You used your psychokinesis to push the spirit away, sending him flying onto the wall.

"Mun-ah, put the victim to sleep." You commanded. He nodded, walking to the victim that was in critical condition, stab wounds located all around his body, bruises, and scars. So-Mun put him to sleep as you were fighting the spirit.

You managed to win the fight, after all, it was a mere level one with no powers to help it win against you, no psychokinesis, no seeing the territory, no nothing.

You were ready to summon the spirit, already putting his hand on his chest. Footsteps trailed behind Mun, which he didn't see, but you did. The gun pointing at Mun's head from a distance, but still able to shoot a hole through someone's head, in this case, So-Mun.

"MUN-AH!" You yelled, the spirit pulled the trigger. You used your power, super-speed to make it to So-Mun in time, taking the bullet yourself. You collapsed to the wall behind you, clutching the wound so you wouldn't bleed to death, but the blood still rushed down, like a river current, like a bloodbath..

"Y/N!" He yelled, panicked at the situation, "WHAT SHOULD I DO?!" The more seconds that go by the more panic would ensue.

"Call Ms.Chu..." You muttered weakly, "Now..." You added, then blacked out from loss of blood.

- So-Mun's POV -

You blacked out, he was more panicked then ever before. He couldn't lose you, he wouldn't know what to do without you. You were his life, his reason to live.

"MS.CHU! MS.CHU!" He cried out through his earpiece.

"So-Mun-ah! What wrong?!" She asked, concernment obvious in her tone of voice.

"It's Y/n-ah! She got shot!"

"What?! We'll be there immediatly!"

He held your lifeless body in his arms, waiting for Ms.Chu and the others to arrive, praying they would be here fast.

Ms.Chu arrived, she instantly rushed towards you and So-Mun in a panic, holding her hands above your wound so it would heal.

"What happened?!" Asked Ha-na.

"Is she going to be alright Ms.Chu?" He ignored Ha-na's question, his concern on you.

"She should be find, I hope."

He felt guilty, he couldn't protect you, he wasn't aware of his surroundings and how he could've avoided this mess just by being more aware.


Back at the noodle shop, you were in the basement, So-Mun watching over you like an eagle watching over a prey from afar. He held your hand, squeezing it tightly, as if his life depended on it. It was 00:06 AM. But he wouldn't be able to fall asleep if you weren't awake, that's a fact. He needed to know you were 100% safe before he could fall sound asleep. He felt like it was his fault, you saved him and now your passed out. 'I should've been more aware of my surroundings.' He thought to himself.

- Your POV -

It was pitch black, no light coming in or out. But you could hear a voice, whispering, "Y/n-ah, please wake up... Please..."

You felt a hand in yours, squeezing it tightly and not letting go for even a second, rubbing circles on your palm.

You opened your eyes, letting the light shine in, blinking once, twice, thrice.

The person in front of you was no other than your boyfriend So-Mun.

"So-Mun-ah? Is that you?" You asked weakly, the bullet wound still hurting. He sighed in relief, pulling you in a tight hug, a hand on your waist.

"I thought I was gonna lose you..." He whimpered.

"Your not gonna lose me." You said, reassuring him.

"I'm sorry... it was all my fault, I-" You placed a peck on his lips, successfully shutting him up. And when you pulled away, you clarified, "It's not your fault."

He smiled softly, "Are you sure?..."

"Yes, I'm sure, love." You placed a kiss on his lips, staying like that for a few solid minutes before you actually pulled away, smiling.

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