3| °• Gift •°

440 17 0

You had been going out a lot more recently, only you know where. Despite the counters asking where you were going, you ignored them.

You texted the jeweller:

{ Hey, when is the thing going to be ready? }

/ Later today at 15:43. Don't be late, we close early today. \

{ Alright, I'll make sure I'm there on time. }

You checked the time, 14:56. You out the phone in your pocket as you exit the doors of the noodle shop.

"Y/n-ah! Where are you going?" Shouted Ms.Chu.

"Somewhere!" You replied, shouting back.

"Aigoo, that girl has been going out a lot recently."

At the jewellery store.

You opened the door of the store,

"Hey! I'm here!"

"Ah, Y/n, must be here for your order?"


You walked towards the cashier as he grabbed the six boxes that contained the gift you had bought for the counters.

"Here. You already paid so you don't need to pay again."

"Thank you." You smile, grabbing the boxes and putting them in your purse, you walked out the store, ready to show the counters the gift that you had bought for them.

At the noodle shop.

You arrived back to Eonni's Noodles,

"I'm back!" You shouted.

"Yeah but from where?"

"That's for me to know... BUT!" Your booming voice made the counters cover their ears so they wouldn't go deaf, "Sorry- anyways, you all have probably noticed I've been going out a lot recently... Here's what I've been doing." You pulled out the six boxes that were located in your purse, hoping they would like it, or else this would have gone to waste.

They were confused, to say the least, but nonetheless they grabbed the boxes of which had their names on it,


"Na Jeokbong."

"Ga Mo-Tak."

"Chu Mae-Ok."

"Do Ha-na."

"Choi Jang-Mul."

They opened the boxes to find a necklace (the one that opens), each one having a photo of them in it. You let out a soft, innocent smile at their shocked faces.

They look closely at the gift, looking at every detail of it, their reactions made your heart happy, seeing them enjoy it so much.

"Y/n-ah, you bought this.. for us?..."

"Who else would I have bought it for?" You giggle, looking at Ms.Chu.

"It's beautiful..."

"Thank you- uh- it was quite... Expensive... To say the least."

"Aigoo, how much was it? Let me pay you back." Suggested the chairman.

"No! I saved up for those, if you pay me back I will kill you, I'm not going to accept your money." You put your hands in your pocket, making sure he won't sneak in a few measly bucks.

"Where's yours, Y/n?" Asked So-Mun.

"Oh well uh... I didn't get one for me." You replied.

"Your telling me you bought this for us but didn't didn't get one for you?!"


"In that case, I'm not accepting it. Take it-" Mo-tak tried to give it back.

"NO- YOU KEEP IT. AND THATS AN ORDER!" You hissed at him.

"Okay- geez."

You were happy you saved up and bought this for them. The way their faces instantly lit up the moment they saw the necklaces, it was so sweet. You didn't regret wasting your money at all, if it can even be called a waste of money.

But of course, Chairman Choi still found a way to pay you back, using his phone, he transferred you about 120k Won through KakaoPay.

{• Word Count: 587 •}

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