5| °• Braids •°

413 15 0

So-Mun was drawing a sketch of you, you thought that it was sweet for him to do so, especially since you didn't ask him to be drawn. You smiled at the thought of the first person to draw you was your boyfriend. And he seemed focused on the drawing, like nothing could interrupt him, every stroke of pencil with delicacy so he wouldn't mess up any of your features. You had an idea, since So-Mun was so focused on the drawing he wouldn't notice if you had just... Braided his hair, would he?

You would braid his hair as he drew, smiling at that idea, you went to go grab a few hairties that you left in your room.


You entered your room, walking towards the desk you grabbed a few hairties you left on the the desk a few days earlier.

You place the hairties on your wrist, so you wouldn't have to carry them and risk dropping even a single hairtie, every hairtie had to be treasured, none will be wasted.


You walked back to the living room, taking your place next to So-Mun. You grabbed a few measly strands of hair on the back of his head, you began your work.

And after a few minutes, your mission was completed, you successfully braided his hair without him noticing. You smile at him, he looked so... Adorable

"What are you smiling for?" He asked, placing down his sketchbook.

You snapped back to reality as you heard his voice, "Oh... It's nothing." Your holding back laughter at this point.

Ha-na walks by, "You braided his hair?"


"Eh? So that's what you were smiling about!" He reached for the back of his head to try and feel the braids, "How dare you!" He smiled, laughing at the fact that he didn't notice.

Ha-na sighed at you both, clearly tired of your lovestruck moments.

"Sorry..." You flashed a guilty smile, placing a peck on his cheek.

"Can you until them?"

"Fine, just let me..." You grabbed your phone and snapped a picture at the now braided-hair Mun.

"Say cheese."


"Now I'll untie them." You say, slowly untying the braids from his hair. Careful not to pull on his hair to hard.

"By the way, you looked adorable."

"So your saying I'm not adorable now?"

"That's not what i- Stop putting words I didn't say in my mouth!"

He giggled at you, "you look adorable."

You finished untying the last hairtie, you ran your hands through his hair to even out the curls, "There, all done."

"Now are you happy?"

"Yes." He muttered, placing a peck on your lips.
{• Word Count: 445 •}

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