Part 9

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Yuvaan POV:

Fuck that was painful.. I need a cold shower urgently. She is making me insane. I just wanted to fuck her hard but my body didn't dared to do that. I just lose myself and behave like sex hungry monster in front of her which iam absolutely not.

I walked to another chamber of mine and had a cold shower. The punishment was hard, I know that but she need to behave herself in front of others. I won't allow her to roam around showing what's mine.

I walked to my mother's chamber and she was sitting on the bed with a cloth on her hand . She is stitching something. I walked to her and bent down to take her blessing, she was startled looking at me who came out of nowhere.

She stopped me from touching her legs and hugged me , her hug gave me peace in my mind which was lagging in me. She sat on the bed and my head was in her lap. All nerves of mine calmed down. It was the only place that felt like home for me.

I don't know when I drifted to sleep , my sleep got disturbed by loud noises outside. I walked out to see what was that. Soudamini (sister) was having an argument with a maid and everyone was watching it like some kind of show.

As soon as I walked there, everyone left to there work leaving the poor maid who is being screwed up by my sister.

"How dare you to do that, you messed my whole hair. I thought you will do good but look, you useless bitch. Get out, you are fired "

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Her hair looked like some monkey scratched her whole head. I wonder how that maid has done that. She looked too funny that I can't control my laugh anymore. I burst into laughing looking at her.

Her dangerous gazes turned to me making me shut my mouth ,oh no . I know she was on fire and soon she will burn me with that. Iam going to be the victim ,she walked to me and that's it , I turned another side and escaped easily. I can hear her shoutings but i ignored that and came out of my mansion.

I walked towards my horse. I kissed the head of it, let's begin our ride. I got on top of it and held the ropes of it. I looked around and my caught one particular eyes which were staring curiously at us.

End of POV

Raghavi got up after having a peaceful sleep and had a bath to clean the smell of the medicine. She rubbed her skin furiously to get out the touch of him along with the smell.

She walked to the mirror setting her hair and applied Vermillion in her hair partition which completed her look. She walked to the window to get some fresh air.

She stared out of the window and found her husband. She looked at him who was kissing the horse lovingly . She admired him, the way his eyes speak so much when he kissed its head even though his face was hard.

She was happy atleast the horse was treated nice unlike her who has been treated like an animal in her own husband hands. Usually the animals were beaten but here the case was reverse , she was the one who gets all those instead of animals.

He got on the top of the horse and It was the same image that used to come into her mind when she dream of her future husband. Her granny used to tell her stories about a king , on the horse who comes for her queen and returns after marrying her .

Till some days ago she was living in the dreams and the day she married him , reality hit her hard. She finally came to know those fairytales just exists to satisfy ourselves to escape the reality . Nothing goes as we planned. The more we believe fairytales the more we get hurt this is the fact and only the fact.

She was curious where they are going, maybe to kill someone, her inner voice answered. She failed to notice his eyes were watching her, she was busy admiring hi- horse.

He just smirked at her and she came out from her daze. He didn't wait for her reaction and started to ride some where.

The maid arrived with the plate of food in her hands. Pornami was hungry so with out a second thought , she started to eat. The maid smiled looking at her childishness.

Soon the plate was empty and her stomach was full. The food tasted good so she kept eating until it became empty.

The maid cleaned the area and took out the plates leaving Pournami alone. She walked out of the room to digest the food she ate previously.

It was sunny when she walked out. The sun was directly hitting her head making it burn. She walked under a tree and sat on the ground. The workers started to gossip about her which was unnoticed by Pournami.

Soon the news reached to her mother in law, she walked furiously out of the mansion. Pournami was still unaware of the surrounding. She was playing with the mud , making some utensils. She used to play it with her brothers when she was a child. Not able to forget those memories, she started to make them.

When she noticed a tall figure standing in front of her, she raised her head to look who was it. Her mother in law was standing with all her glory. She hurriedly dusted off her clothes and stood up from the ground.

Her hands, legs , clothes and some amount of her face is covered with the mud. She tried to rub them which only made it worse. Her face is unrecognisable.

Dhamini who came to scold her was just standing dumbly not knowing what to do. She came to give her a good lesson but no words came out of her mouth.

"Good afternoon maa, had your lunch? " She asked blinking her eyes like a doll trying to melt her mother in law in her charms like she used to do with her mother prevent herself from scoldings.

"A.. Ah yeah " She nodded her head making Pournami smile.

"Go and get washed up " Dhamini told her for which she ran away from there in a blink of an eye.

Dhamini rubbed her forehead looking at the direction Pournami just run.
"What was that?, do i need to deal with another Soudamini now!!?? "

Shaking her head she was about to walk away but notices the utensils she made out of sand. She picked them up and admired them, she was just like that when she was a child and same with Soudamini.

Keeping them in the place, she walked towards the mansion.

Pournami looked herself in the mirror , she looked like , she wore some costume for Halloween.

She felt lazy to have a bath so she just washed her hands , legs and face to remove the mud, she is not disgusted with the mud to take a bath.

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