(1) Celebration

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Yeona's POV

"What can I get you, Ms. Park?" The bartender looked at me, puzzled.
"I'll have a glass of wine, please." I said.
"Wine?" he repeated.
"Yes, this day calls for a celebration and I'm sure you can, at least get me a glass of wine?"
"Sure." he replied, reaching for a bottle without another word.

After eight years of relentless hard work, my brother and I had finally achieved what we set out to do. We had successfully taken our parents' company to new heights, slowly but surely, our efforts started to pay off.
To celebrate this achievement, we decided to throw a grand party for our colleagues, employees, and so-called family members.

As I waited for my drink to arrive, I noticed a familiar face, making his way towards the stage. It was my brother, Park Ye-jin.
The whispers faded away, as he took hold of the microphone, he began by acknowledging each and every one of our colleagues, who had contributed to our company's remarkable achievement.

As the applause echoed throughout the room, I couldn't help but admire the journey he had taken to reach this point. Since our parents passed away when we were still young, he's being my only family, guiding light, mentor, partner in crime and what not. I had witnessed the sleepless nights he spent studying and the efforts he put into making a better future for the both of us.
I aspire to be like him someday - someone who can face challenges head-on and overcome any obstacle with a smile on their face.

"Ms. Park?" The bartender's voice bought me out of my thoughts. He handed me my drink, when I noticed, someone approaching me.
It was my cousin, Kang Jae-eun. Him and I weren't related by blood or even by any official ties. His family, however, had always been unreasonably kind to my brother, with the motive of someday taking his business away from him.

"Congratulations, sister..you and Ye-jin deserve this.." He smiled and took his seat, right next to me.
I raised an eyebrow, returning his smile, "Thanks Jae-eun, your father sent you here, right?"
He chuckled, "No..he hasn't even made his move yet."
"And how long before he makes his move?"
"Don't rush the process, the seeds you plant need time to grow."
I couldn't help but laugh, appreciating the creativity behind his words. "Your family's determination never fails to amuse me."

He raised his drink in a toast, grinning, "To a future family business empire and more success for Geum Group.."
Ignoring that, I took a sip of my drink and leaned back in my chair.

As the night progressed, I indulged in one drink after another, oblivious to the limits that I was ignoring in the name of celebration. I laughed louder & celebrated with my colleagues. Amidst the chaos of this intoxicated confidence, I decided to excuse myself from the party. During all of this I had forgotten one crucial detail - I had to call, Ms. Seo, my manager to let her know that I am leaving.

As I stumbled through the streets, the lights of the shops beckoned to me like a child lured by sweets. I accidentally collided with someone, as I looked up, I found myself face to face with a stranger.
"Why would you drink so much, when you can't handle it?" He scoffed.
"What?" I was staring at him, like some crazy stalker. My gaze traveled over his sculpted features, his chiseled jawline, and perfectly tousled hair.
"I asked, if you are alright." He leaned forward.
"Do I look like so?"
"I don't know.."
"You are really handsome, mister.." The alcohol coursing through my veins transformed my usually reserved self into a bold & fearless one.

"Falling for my charm even before I used my powers.." He chuckled.
"Powers? Are you an angel?"
"Don't you dare compare me to those things, I'm a demon..."
"Demon? Why would you drink so much? Your girlfriend must have dumped you..." I giggled.
"I need to find my prey for tonight, stop wasting my time..."

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