(8) Funeral

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As I made my way towards my car, I noticed Gu-won sitting in the driver's seat.
"What is he doing there, Ms. Seo?" I turned to my manager.
"Ma'am he's your bodyguard, you asked me to find you a bodyguard this morning and he seemed perfectly fit for the job, he not only excels in fighting with weapons but also in martial arts and-"
I cut her off, "I get it, you can leave now, Ms. Seo."

I approached the vehicle and climbed into the passenger seat.
"You're certainly getting ahead of yourself, aren't you? Didn't I just reject your offer this morning? Why did you come back?" I asked him.
Gu-won turned to face me, a faint smirk playing on his lips, "My life is too peaceful & boring without this, I thought I could use some trouble? What changed your mind though? You didn't want my powers but now you seem okay by the fact that I'm your bodyguard." He turned away & began driving.
"It takes one scumbag to deal with another. Anyways what about you? were you born as a demon? Is it a family business like generations old restaurant?"
"Comparing demons to restaurant? I am truly speechless." He frowned.
"How old are you? When were you born?"
"I've lived for 200 years as a demon."
"200!? You really don't look your age."
"Were you born as a human?" I added.
"Yes, I was on a different level from all other insignificant humans, although I don't remember it."
"It seems like self-hatred to me."
"God needed someone to work in hell, so he himself picked a human to become the devil and I'm the human he chose."
"Not because you're special but because you simply fit the job description, you're a jerk."

My phone vibrated & I noticed it was a text from my brother.

My phone vibrated & I noticed it was a text from my brother

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Almighty Prankster

I'll miss you...please don't cry, Yeona. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore, I'm really sorry for leaving you like this....

I dialed his number but the ringing echoed through the receiver.
"Turn the car please, we're going to meet my brother." I told Gu-won.

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Finally, we arrived at my brother's house and I barged into Ye-jin's room. He was lying on the floor, I knelt beside him, "Park Ye-jin, you can wake up now, your silly prank is over..you really scared me this time." I touched his cold cheeks, my tears welled up uncontrollably as I realized his pulse was gone.
"Please, wake up! It's not funny anymore!" I cried, my voice filled with desperation.
I hugged my brother tightly, "Ye-jin, you can't leave me like this, you promised me...please wake up...." I snivelled.
I didn't want to accept the reality, to accept the fact that my brother, my only family was gone.

Gu-won stood silently nearby, I turned to him,
"Save him! I'll sign the deal, I'll do anything! Please save my brother!" I cried.
"Sorry but I can't bring the dead back to life." He replied.
"Why? I know you can! please save him Gu-won...save my brother.." I lashed out in agony, pounding my fists against Gu-won's chest.

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It was the day no one prepares for. I stood in my brother's funeral, my so-called family grieving in front of his photo. The media was there as well since he was a big star, and they couldn't believe that he committed suicide, neither did I.
It disgusted me to see that my family was putting up such a show for the cameras, pretending to be devastated by his loss. They craved the inheritance and the successful business he had built, and now they couldn't wait to get their hands on it.

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