(9) Accident

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All of my family members sat together in the dimly lit room. Detective Choi and his assistant entered inside. He pulled out a small notebook and pen, ready to write down any important information.
"What's there to discuss?" Jae-eun spoke up, "The autopsy report revealed that drugs were found in his bloodstream, he must have consumed them willingly."

Detective Choi nodded, "This bottle was discovered nearly empty in Mr. Park Yejin's room, suggesting a possible overdose."
He took out a small bottle from a zip-lock bag, placing it on the table before us. The label indicated the name of the medication, Lorazepam.

"Did Mr. Park regularly consume these pills?" Detective Choi asked.
"Yes, he had been behaving strangely since the last week and I was very aware of his frequent drug consumption." Sang-mi replied.
"Yes, he actually became an addict." My uncle added.
How could they accuse my brother of such a thing?
I firmly shook my head, "No, he would never do something like that."
Sang-mi pretended to wipe her tears, "How can you say that, Yeona? I know how much my husband struggled with addiction."
"I know my brother better than anyone."

"Ms. Park what are you trying to say?" The detective turned his gaze towards me.
I took a deep breath, "Yejin had dreams, aspirations and plans for the future. Why would he take his own life when he had so much to look forward to? I believe someone is trying to make it appear as if Yejin took his own life, that someone wanted to cover up their true intentions."
I stared at the faces of my family members, trying to gauge their emotions, was it my uncle, or perhaps my sister-in-law, maybe it was my cousin
What if they were all together in this and murdered Yejin? Had they all conspired against my brother?

"You think Mr. Park was murdered?" Mr. Choi began writing in his notebook.
I nodded, "I believe so, detective."
The assistant detective, Mr. Kwon spoke up, "Mr. Park sent you a text message before his death," he held up Yejin's phone and displayed the message, "It was his last communication, and it clearly indicated his state of mind."

'I'll miss you...please don't cry, Yeona. I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore, I'm really sorry for leaving you like this...'

"You're right, detective." Sang-mi chimed in.
"Isn't it weird how Mr. Park didn't even sent a text message to his wife?" Mr. Kwon turned his attention to her.
"No, he did...he did tell me a few times that he couldn't do this anymore...and he wanted to leave..."
"And you didn't even care to talk to your husband & help him even when you knew about his active drug consumption?" He furrowed his brows.
"I never thought that it'd get this worse... are you trying to...to accuse me? How can I kill my husband? I loved him!" Sang-mi sobbed & hugged my aunt.

"He didn't mean to accuse you ma'am, without strong evidences we can't prove anything,
I know this is a difficult time for your family but I promise you, we will look into this case carefully." Both of them bowed & excused themselves from that room.

"Till then let's just believe the reality that is, Yejin committed suicide." Uncle Kang said.
"People aren't ready to believe it...they are assuming things and are making up stories like we are some rich devils or something... our companies sales will definitely fall because of this..." His wife joined the discussion.
"What if I lose my followers!" Sang-mi hurriedly took out her phone but Uncle Kang snatched it from her hand, "We should go outside now, Attorney Lin will be announcing Yejin's will soon."
"In front of everyone? why?"
"I wanted to make it official."

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All my family members stood in the ground, their eyes fixated on Mr. Lin, Yejin's attorney, eager for some good news but I knew my brother too well,  we had often discussed his desire to donate his fortune to a charitable foundation.

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