Chapter 76: 1+1

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This is not how I pictured it.

For nearly two months now, I have been working towards my mate's acceptance and subsequent completion of the bond. Ever since I was mated to Beck, there's nothing else on my mind.

I have been rejected, ostracized, became depressed for a period of time and suffered through an indignity of humbling humiliations. I mean, they were humiliating to me even if that wasn't the goal at the time.

I went from a rejected psycho to a decent person and caring partner. I built myself from the ground up since I had no other choice than to fight for my mate and for the possibility to ascend in my father's place.

Like my mother once said: it ain't over till it's over.

I know Lenny Kravitz sung that, but that was the gist of what my mother told me when I got rejected. I had a choice to fight for my acceptance and I did just that. I fought the hardest I've ever battled for anything in my life thus far.

Now it's not exactly a secret that I have been dying to complete the bond with my mate. It's the only thing that separates me from Jude in terms of equal partnership with Beck and it's the only reason that would cause me to NOT fight for Alpha.

If you aren't marked, you are NOT fit to be a leader. That's paramount for any decent werewolf pack I've ever heard of. Here or abroad. You can't lead if your soul isn't complete. Have you ever heard of a single man that won the presidential election?

Yeah... it's like that. But on a much smaller scale.

Yesterday, I could feel my mate was dying to complete the bond with me. I could feel him wanting me badly. He actually said he wanted to ride my length. His words, not mine.

Well, I'm right here. I'm not exactly putting up a fight, mate. I'm that easy. And I have a feeling that I'll always be for him. Whenever he wants me, I'll be there. No questions asked.

I have never wanted someone as bad as I want Beck. Even when I was a virgin, dying to bed Cassie, I wasn't this thirsty. Not by a long shot. I desire Kuckunniwi as if I needed him to live, to breathe.

It's mind boggling that I'm talking about a boy here, but that ship sailed a long time ago.

I want him now. I'm practically begging for it. Though if that would help, I'd get down on my knees. No problems. Ain't too proud to beg, as I have already demonstrated.

Still, nothing. No dice. I got nothing but a handy. I appreciate the release, but I'm aiming much higher. I want a higher love. I want to know what the fuss is about, to be one with my mate. Desperately, I might add.

Now today the three of us went for a wolf run since we were going to be alone and I never had the opportunity to see Beck's animal skin before. I was actually looking forward to this. I don't mind running with my brother and I was more than willing to have fun with Beck and him together.

And we did, we had a blast letting our wolves take over for us. We ran, we walked, we played with our mate. For once, there was no competition between me and Jude. We were two brothers having a nice time with our person.

For once in our lives, the both of us were okay with sharing a space. We're united in the common objective of being there for our mate in peace and harmony. I know, right? Who am I?

Well, if Christmas taught us anything is that it was either grow the fuck up or risk losing our mate. At least, socially. We won't always have the opportunity to be alone with him. Sometimes, other people will be present and we need to know how to behave ourselves in such cases.

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