Chapter 80: So Sick

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I'm feeling so relieved.

It's not that I hated the idea of Beck being pregnant with my pup. I mean, mine and Quentin's pup. I'm not opposed to being a father, not in the least. But it's far too soon.

I'm barely 18 years old. I have so many things to look forward to and so does Quentin, for that matter. We won't become Alpha for at least four more years of college. My father has no reason to rush his retirement. He is 38 years old. People don't retire that early.

Again, neither Quentin or I are in any rush to succeed him. We should determine the succession soon enough, but no one is hurrying to become Alpha of the pack. We are owed to continue our education so we can better serve our people.

A baby would derail that completely, let's be honest. We wouldn't be able to handle diapers and studying for exams. Even among the three of us. There is just no way we could ever pull that off unless we'd have parental help.

And it wouldn't be fair to my parents or Beck's to get stuck raising a baby while we're away in college. I'm sure my mate would never allow that to happen. In any case, two sets of babies would make it impossible for us to have any kind of life.

My mom is a great mother, that's true. She handled having two boys at once like a pro. Though I'm sure it probably scared a twenty year old woman as much as it does two eighteen year old boys.

But my mom had my dad, her parents and my dad's parents to help out. She wasn't helpless, much less alone. And as Luna of the pack, she gets to make her own schedule. She could coordinate taking care of us, getting help from our grandparents and fulfilling her duties as the female leader of the pack.

I understand there are three suitable parents to whatever child Beck has, it's true. But that is only an asset if there is one baby to take care of. Two would be a handful even for the three of us.

Twins... really, Goddess? Do you seriously want another set of twins to grow up battling it out for Alpha? No, thanks. I refuse to accept this. If ever we have twins, our children should grow up as best friends, not competitors like me and my brother.

That will never happen again. I won't allow it.

Still, it's too soon for any of that. Goddess protects me. I don't want to father any twins. Just no, I cannot deal with that. Especially as a high school student. That would be even worse, though by the time the child would be born it'd already be Fall.

I'm genuinely so relieved. I'm yet to ask Quentin about how he's feeling but I'm betting he's feeling the same as me. I know he didn't want to be a father right now. Most especially not of twins. *gasp*

Viho drove us back to the house after we spent the entire morning and early afternoon with his parents. All three of us are still reeling from the shocking discovery. In fact, Quentin has been silent since we found out about the double pregnancy.

As soon as we returned, Viho 'spilled the tea' to his mate and she gasped in shock just as we did. Beck went straight to the bathroom and didn't leave it until almost half an hour after.

"How are you feeling, mate? Are you alright?" - I inquired, approaching him as he left the restroom looking queasy.

"Not really, no. I think the tea is making me sick." - He replied, clearly not well.

At this, his mother came and hugged him, careful not to push his stomach.

"I'm sorry for everything, my sweet Beck. The tea is not making you sick. The pregnancy is. The tea didn't have time to take effect just yet, but you should feel the effects of it later this evening." - She told him, feeling bad about the situation.

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