Chapter 100: We Are The Champions [EPILOGUE]

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I can't breathe.

I am inside the county hospital where Beck was taken yesterday with my brother, Viho, Talla and one of her sisters. We were supposed to find out the results of Beck's EEG exam, but things took a turn for the worse when a hospital team was dispatched to the I.C.U. in response to a 'Code Blue'.

Yesterday, Beck had woken up to find a blood stain on the sheet of his bed and started feeling bad while he was taking a shower. He passed out, so Jude tended to him so that he and Talla could bring Beck here.

It was the worst day of my life. I knew my mate was unwell because I woke up sweating with a horrible sensation yesterday, unable to feel my mate through our bond connection. It was only a matter of time until I got the urgent mind link from my brother telling me he was bringing our mate to the hospital because he had passed out.

After Beck was attended by doctors, we later discovered that he had lost one of the babies he was carrying and the doctor informed us that he fell into a coma, unlikely to ever wake up again. Even after delivering his child, assuming he'd be well enough to carry it to term.

Jude and I were left devastated by this news. I never cried so hard like I did yesterday.

I am only 18. I shouldn't be finding out that my mate will never wake up again. We should be planning for college or at the very least for our lives after graduation. Until yesterday, our mate was happy as he carried the super twins. Now things have taken a turn for the worst.

It was already difficult to accept that our mate was in a coma, pregnant with one child. But at least we had that. Now Beck seems to have coded inside the Intensive Care Unit. He was supposed to be kept alive artificially, for the duration of his pregnancy at least. Goddess knows what the Beckers would decide later.

But now we won't have even that. No mate, no child, nothing. I am truly devastated.

This will be the end of the Atwood dynasty in Ruckerford Falls. Neither me or my brother shall recover from this loss. It's too much pain as it was yesterday, but at least there was still hope. If Beck is gone, then that's it for us. All I know is that I can't do this without him.

I can't stand to be apart from my mate, but to not feel his presence through our mate bond is even worse. I have been gutted for the last 24 hours, but now the pain is overwhelming. I tried to be strong for my brother because he needed me and no other person could relate to me like him. We're in this together, for better or worse.

But I won't survive the loss of my mate. I can't live without him and my life would be over before it began. My adult life that is. I was so happy by his side, not even the fact that he was mated to my brother was bothering me any more. In fact, I was okay with that.

It's the thing with twins, though I never expected to share a mate with Jude, I have since learned it is not the end of the world. All we needed was to set boundaries for our relationship.

But right now all there is left is pain. Jude and I cried inconsolably while our mate was being treated by the doctors. Talla was crying out for her baby, desperately. Her sister and mate consoled her, but they too were devastated by this loss.

As we waited to hear from the hospital team, we flooded the lounge with never ending tears for the loss of our beloved Beck, a true angel who was a light in this wicked world. I'm hiccuping from the intense sobbing. I am not prepared to lose our mate, not that I'd ever be.

"Why is this happening to him? He doesn't deserve it!" - I cried out, revolted by this dire situation. I'm in shambles and the only reason I didn't unravel completely is because my brother is here with me.

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