Seventeen Reaction: When you had a really bad nightmare. (Bf ver.)

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"What's up with you? Look into my eyes and just focus on me, okay? No one's gonna hurt you, I promise you that, hmm?"

"That's not gonna happen. I will kill whoever that is who is trying to kill you. Don't worry now, okay? I'm right here with you and I'll make sure nobody's gonna dare to hurt you."

"Well, in that case we need to pray before going back to sleep, okay? Pray with me and all your worries will go away."

"Nothing's gonna happen... I'm here with you... I am always here with you, from morning until night... I love you and I won't leave you."

"I thought you were pulling some pranks on me... I got scared for a second..."

"You're safe with me, here in my arms... I'm not gone... Not at all, I'm here alive and well. See? You're snuggling in my arms now? That means, I'm alive okay? That's all just a horrible dream."

"I'm here y/n, take some deep breaths... I'm right here... Inhale... Exhale... Do it again... You good now? Okay, here drink some water and let's go back to sleep, I'll cuddle you."

"I'm glad I woke you so that I could help you... You don't wanna be alone? No, you won't be alone. I'm always here for you."

"You're safe now y/n, please don't worry about anything... I'm right here by your side and I'm not gonna leave."

"I think you were having a nightmare since you keep on tossing and turning endlessly so... I decided to wake you up."

"Why do you always have a bad nightmare whenever you sleep, y/n-ah... Is something bothering you that you can't even say it to me? I'm worried, baby..." *After you fell asleep again*

"I'm trying to wake you up by tapping you but, you just keep on groaning so, I just decided to shake you and I'm glad you responded and woke up."

"Whatever happened was all just a horrible dream, y/n. I'm here, alive and with you, aren't I?"

A/n: Hehehehehehehehehehe🥺🥹

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