Chapter 4- The ball

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The court celebrated and cheered as the alliance formed. My father and mother were beaming, smiles from ear to ear.

"To a beautiful friendship!" Said my father holding up his cup of wine.

Hamish chugged his glass and chucked. 

"Your majesty," said my mother, "The ball shall be this evening at 6 for your gracious arrival. Victoria is the most excited." I looked up at her and at him. He winked at me as I almost threw up in my chair. 

"Stop slouching." said my mother. I shot her a look and straightened myself. 

"Victoria come here." said Hamish. 

"I think I am fine here."

"I said, come here." His voice boomed as the hall got quiet. 

There was whispering among themselves as shocked looks smeared every face. 

I got up and walked towards him, head down, tears starting to form in my eyes. 

He grabbed me roughly by my arm and pulled me into him. He nuzzled his nose by my ear and inhaled. 

I closed my eyes in disgust.

"You smell lovely, my bride." He exhaled. "I wonder what the rest of you smells like." 

I was shivering. 

"Get off me." I whispered. 

"What a mouth on this one." He slapped me on the bottom as I jumped. 

The men in the hall chuckled.

"Victoria you may be excused." Said my father. 

I pulled my arm away from Hamish and walked out of the hall, head down in embarrassment. Mina followed me out holding me as soon as the doors behind us closed. 

"Wipe those tears, dear." She said, "You do not want to be seen as the weeping queen of Scotland."

I wiped my tears with the end of my sleeve. 

We walked back into my chambers where I retired for most of the afternoon until it was time for the ball.

The great hall was lit with candles, and decorated with the most elaborate flowers, and trinkets. I had no say in the decorations, in all reality, the orange, red, and blue flowers made the hall look like a mess. 

My ladies came in later that afternoon to dress me. 

I left my hair in natural curls that laid right above my hip bone. My dress was red with long sleeves, embroidered with gold lacing and details. Truth, it was beautiful. I had on gold jewels that were dainty and sweet. 

I sat on the edge of my bed looking at my hands in my lap, head hung low. 

"What is wrong Victoria?" Said Mina. 

"Nerves." I whispered.

"Do not worry, you will make an amazing queen."

"I do not care about that Mina, I do not want to be married. I want to be in love."

"Well marriages are hardly ever about love. You are doing this for your people remember?"

I nodded.

The door opened and Wilson came in. "They are expecting you." He said.

I followed Wilson into the hall right before the entrance.

He opened the door. 

"May I present, Her Royal Highness, Princess Victoria of Prussia."

I walked in and smiled weakly.  

The room was filled with people I did not know, smiling at me. I could not imagine a worse fate in that moment.

Until I saw him. 

Yours truly, AntoWhere stories live. Discover now