Chapter 15- Just smile

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I sat on my vanity head in my lap. It was a windy night so the wind whooshed by my window causing and eery sound. My mouth was dry and I could not bring myself to look up even for a moment while the ladies were settling on my hair. 

"Victoria could you look up please?" Asked one of them.

I did.

"There." She said touching up my hair. 

"Hair fit for a future queen."

My hair was pulled back painfully and wrapped around in a big ball behind my head. She then placed a tiara on me, the one the King requested I wore to symbol my devotion to him and his kingdom. What a joke.

I ran my hands against the bodice of my dress. The dress was tight and goofy and thick, just overall uncomfortable. More than anything I wanted to rip it off me. It was a hideous green too. After the ladies were done with me they left me to be alone until I was called down. I put my head in my hands. Life felt so empty now, nothing felt important anymore. Knowing that as minutes pass he was getting farther and farther from me. 

I heard a knock on my door as Wilson opened it. He saw me cry. He lingered by the door unaware of what to say.

"Ma'am." He said. 

I did not look up.

He started approaching me slowly after closing the door. 

He sighed and sat beside me on the sofa.

"What is wrong ma'am?" He said.

I finally looked up acknowledging him. He actually had a concerned look on his face.

"I am living in a life I do not want." I said.

"Why is that?"

"I do not want to marry the King. I thought I could but I can not anymore."

"But you know your duties Victoria."

"I do not care about my duties. I care about love."

"What do you know about love?" He said but then made a realization.


He cleared his throat.

"I understand ma'am." He whispered.

"By God, I will help you."

I looked up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You think I want you to marry that barb as well? I could not imagine a more horrible fate. So I will help you."

"Help me how?"

"However you need me to." He said.

My tears started to dry as I smiled. I then started telling him everything. Everything from the forest, Antonio, the King, the plan, everything. In the end he sat there and listened to it all.

He put his hand on my shoulder. 

"I will help you." He said.

"But for now, you are expected in the ballroom."

I sighed deeply and held onto his arm as he escorted me down into the ballroom.

"Thank you Wilson." I whispered.

"Always ma'am." He said patting my arm.

In the ballroom I made out the King with my parents and walked there saying hello to multiple people along the way. 

"Victoria!" Said my mother.

"The King has great news!" 

I looked at all three of them confused. 

The King grabbed me by the arm and cleared his throat. Pulling me into him he asked for a guard to blow a horn.

The horn was blown and everyones attention turned to us. My heart sank. 

The King cleared his throat again.

"My fellow kingdom. Heaven smiles on us with this joyous news. As you all may know my marriage to your dear Princess was supposed to be in the next summer season, however she could not bare being away from me."

My eyes blurred as I stared at my parents and back at him.

"So, we decided to get married in a month!"

The crowd started clapping as he pulled me in to kiss me. I had never felt so repulsed.

There was a mix of emotions going through me. Anger, disgust, defeat, but mostly grief. It had not even been a couple days and our plan had gone to shambles. I did not know how I was going to break the news to him. I have officially lost the battle.

My mother came and kissed me on the cheek. The most happy she has ever been. I however could not keep the feeling of vomiting inside me as I held my stomach wanting to cry. 

Lord take me now.

"A dance!" Said my father. 

Hamish practically dragged me to the ballroom floor and took me by the arms.

"My sweet bride." he said.

"Try and make me happy and you will survive." He said laughing.

"Your death will likely be in the hands of me. Pray I spare you for as long as possible. Long after you produce me my children of course."

My eyes welded with tears. 

"Yes your majesty."

"Good girl." He said stroking my hair. 

"You will depart to Scotland shortly after me just in time for a grand wedding I have prepared."

"Yes your majesty." 

Be breathed into my neck and exhaled slowly.

"The quicker I marry you, the quicker I can bed you." He whispered. 

More than anything I wanted to push him off right then and there, but as I stated before,

I had lost this battle. 

Yours truly, AntoWhere stories live. Discover now