For an Allman like me

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I randomly wrote a tiny Spider-sona oneshot during a 3h car ride and almost threw up, so enjoy

Ducking from one of the robotic arms, I shot another sling at Liv in attempt to stop her from demolishing half of Brooklyn.  

My attack hit its target, but only for a short moment, before it was torn apart by four metallic claws like it was nothing but a piece of cloth, and not a specifically modified fabric I've worked on for months. 

But sure, go ahead. Shred my hard work to confetti; I totally don't mind. 

"Come on now, Doc! You can't be seriously trying to murder him??", I gestured at the man that was cowering behind a flipped taxi and who I had been protecting from flying rubble for almost five minutes now.

I had no idea where this woman had come from. I mean, I knew her from the science videos we always watched at school. But there she usually talked about multiverses and other physics stuff I didn't understand.

And from what I've seen of her, she'd never seemed like the revengeful type of woman. 

But now she was apparently determined to commit manslaughter. And with her eight highly advanced robot tentacle-arm-thinggies, she was close to acheving that point on her to-do list by tearing out parts of the street and hurling them at me and the man behind me. 

"Uhm...Miss'am? Is this really about world domination or... something else??", I yelled over the noise of helicopters and panicked pedestrians. 

Supporting herself on four of the eight metal arms that stuck out of her back, Doctor Olivia Octavius readjusted her goggles, tears of fury and pain rolling down her cheeks. That, together with the messy red hair that struck out in every direction, really made the woman look like a mad scientist. 

She scoffed, one of the arms lashing out like a snake that attacked. 

"He cheated on me...with my SISTER!", her shrill voice bounced off the skyscrapers. 

"What?!", I got up from my crouching position, letting my arms drop. 

Turning around on the upside down car I was standing on, I looked down at the man who wore the expression of a toddler that got caught stealing cookies.

I threw up my hands in disappointment, "Dude, seriously!?" 

Next to me, I saw Liv's shadow towering over his shaking figure. 

"I gave you everything I had! After three years, I have to find out you were just using me?! I loved you, Marcus!"

"Yeah, what the hell, Marcus!?" 

He flinched when he suddenly had two women shouting at him. 

"Livie, please, let me explain-"

"DON'T call me that!"

"If you gave me a chance-"

But Olivia was on a run now, throwing out all the words that had apparently been bothering her for months. 

"Who came over at two am when your fridge broke down?! Who fixed all of your stupid little problems in your job?! Who rejected a promotion because she wanted to spend more time with you?! I did. And all of that for you to break up with me on our anniversary?!" 

"Bro!", I threw in my helpful as always comments. 

Marcus seemed to be crumbling into himself with every thing she accused him with, as if she was stabbing him with her voice. 

A little bit of everything vol. 3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz