8 - jealousy?

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- Lauren -

I stood up from my seat and decided to take a stroll around as the students were assigned to take the small quiz. Stopping at the back, my eyes locked on a students paper, exploring the few questions they have already circled.

"The party was fun last Friday. I'm surprised you decided to join the bully duo's company when i asked." I heard the faint whisper from a guy, discreetly glancing their way from curiosity on who's the troublemaker.

"Was wasted. With a sober mind i would have never accepted it." Maddy spoke back to Ayden.

"I'm deciding to skip science. Wanna do it with me? A few juniors are gonna play basketball and invited me. Linda is gonna be watching so i have to put on a show."

"God. Of course. You and your delusional ass."

"Lia is also gonna be there. I saw how she was looking at you at the party so why don't you put on some effort and find someone to go head over heels for too?"

"Yeah right! As if a popular girl fucking likes me." Maddy shrugged, leaning back in her desk. "Be delusional too! At least something exciting in your life. I'm gonna head to a class near by after this bell and pick up some friends so you wait for me by the gym."

"Okay, okay. I'm down. But what excuse are we giving the science te-"

"What's going on? I hear whispering." I finally spoke out, Ayden forcing himself back in front of his desk. "Cheating? Asking for answers?" I walked towards them, both of their heads down, not ready for confrontation.

"I don't have a problem to give you a different quiz and it surely won't be as easy as this one." I kept glancing between the two, seeing as Maddy was the first to raise her head. "Sorry, Ms Hale. I just didn't understand one question so asked Ayden."

"Alright. You're staying after class then." I confessed, actually annoyed about how this friend of hers is dragging her into trouble. "Why? I was just confused. I didn't cheat." Maddy tried to talk her way out of it.

"You should know my rules by now! And one of them is specifically about not talking or engaging into conversation mids a test or quiz. So don't talk back to me before i assign you detention instead!" I fired back before making my way back to my desk, keeping a deep focus on the both of them.

- - -
I saw as the last quiz paper was placed on my desk and the student made their way to the door but i looked back in front, Maddy doing the same thing.

"Hey, hey! Where do you think you're going?" I exclaimed, making the girl stop as the door closed in front of her. "Forgot what i told you?" I stood up, ready to bring her back in if she doesn't do it herself.

"Ms Hale, i have science next. I can't be late or skip it." She slowly walked over. "I'll tell Noah that you skipped it because of me. So won't get in trouble." I announced, seeing as she forcefully moved to a desk in the front row.

"So you're playing unfair, huh? Are a cheater?" I asked, crossing my arms whilst eyeing her. "God. I already said i hadn't cheated. Just didn't understand a question. What was i supposed to do but ask my friend?"

"What is the teacher for? So hard to raise your hand? Ask me for help?"

"Sorry. I'll know next time. Can i go now? The bell is about to ring for the next class." I watched as she was about to stand up so i approached, blocking any way of her moving forward.

"Sit back down." I sternly ordered, Maddy doing just that.

"I heard you were skipping science anyways so why are you worried?" I decided to comment about it, the girl completely surprised of me knowing about it.

"Alright. And now instead of me having this opportunity of skipping a class and playing some ball, you'll make me regret it by forcing me to stay here?" She gathered herself together and spiked her own attitude back.

"How else am i supposed to teach you students some manners?! It's not hard for me to speak to your mother about the actual reason why you hadn't went to science today! Is that what you want?" My frustration had raised, gripping the sides of the desk whilst glaring right down at her.

"Okay. I'm sorry. What do i do now? Just sit?"

"You're redoing the quiz. Of course not the same one though." I forced myself back up, searching the drawers for one and bringing it right over to her.

"So Linda and Lia is considered the popular duo?" I took a seat at my own desk and asked from curiosity. "Yeah? How do you know them?" I brought her eyes up to me. "They're juniors. In one of my classes. They've always seemed spoiled and careless so i'm not surprised about this fact."

"Well yeah. A classic popular, bully pair. Can't have a high school without such a thing."

"But it seems as you don't really care about that. You're not their victim?" I kept the conversation going.

"No? Ayden is close to them so they wouldn't be bullying their friends friend." The girl rolled out a questioning laugh.

"And this Lia? You're close to her though, right? Heard how your best friend explained the connection you two had at this party." I added in, leaning forward on the desk with a serious expression.

"Are you jealous?" Maddy's lips spread into a smile and i couldn't even hold my intimidation, completely lost in the sudden assumption from her.

"No? What? I'm just curious." I slouched back, only now questioning why i had basically stopped her from going and having fun.

"Sorry. I just- my thought came out loud." Her eyes broke the eye contact, seeing her own self grow nervous. "I should apologize. I'm being way too pushy and digging into things i shouldn't be asking a student." The guilt hit me and i stood up.

"You're free to go, Maddy. Forget about this quiz." I went in to grab the paper however she took it right back. "No, no! I'd rather be here than at science." Her smile came up at me, immediately having me copy it.

"Using the opportunity to skip it anyways, huh?"

"Please don't snitch." Maddy without hesitation said.

"I won't. I'm not mean like that." I replied, carefully absorbing her start it.


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