43 - lured away

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- Lauren -

My fist slammed against the front door for the fifth time and finally i heard the sound of the locks before the sight of a girl stood just in my sight.

"Where's Hannah?" I immediately exclaimed but the girl held pure confusion as before. "I'm the maid. May know who you are?"

"For the love of god! Where's my mom?! No time for introductions!" I practically forced her aside and walked inside the house. My feet lead me forward to try and scan out this place i was completely unfamiliar with however soon enough i caught the glimpse of two people in a living room.

"Mom?" I rushed over yet stopped in my path from seeing that she was peacefully sitting. "What happened? How bad is your condition again?" I approached and took her hand in mine, looking for any sighs of her being in pain.

"Lauren, sit down." A voice spoke from sitting across and on the other couch, "sit down?! Speak you, dumbass! You called me and said that our mom is practically dying, her condition is active again so what's going on?!"

"Lauren, it will be back after what i just heard about you!" Hannah fired out herself, clearly pointing out that things aren't as bad as my sister made it seem over the phone call.

"You lied to me?" I dropped sitting, glaring at my sister that was doing the same thing back. "How else were we supposed to get you here as soon as possible?" Lucy replied.

"And you think luring me all the way here by lying of our mother being on a dead bed is okay?!"

"Who's Maddy?" Hannah spoke in, immediately bringing my attention on her from hearing her name.

- - -
I slouched back in the couch, continuing the strong eye contact Lucy didn't break apart ever since our mom left to the kitchen. "You're fucked, sis. Acknowledge that already?" She broke the silence with a smirk.

"Oh? Feel proud of it? Proud that i'm finally the one that is getting scolded?"

"Fuck yeah, i am! Because do you think that watching me get yelled at for things you had did was okay back when we were young?" She commented, having me clench my jaw from hearing her mention the past. "So yes. I'm so proud of us being in the opposite positions now."

"Nothing more than just a coffee for you." Hannah's voice broke the moment apart, seeing her set the cup in front of me as she held onto hers.

"Now what?" I asked, taking a sip. "Gonna teach me how to live my life like back in the old days?" I continued, absorbing the two.

"She's 19. Does that not even concern you?" My mom asked, staring at me with disgust. "Mom, you knew i was seeing her when everything started so why are you bugging me about this only now?"

"I didn't fucking know you were talking about an 18 year old girl back then!" She immediately shouted out, slamming the cup on the coffee table with pure frustration.

"Thank god she isn't a minor otherwise you'd be fucked by the police and us." Lucy added in. "Who are you to be talking like that?! How long has it been since i've seen you?! How long has it been since you've visited our mother or just checked on her the past two years?!"

"Oh shut it, Lauren. This isn't about me right now."

"Great. And you think the same, huh?" I gave Hannah a glance, observing as she isn't bothered at all by us fighting right now.

"What you'll do now is stick here for a slight while. You're grown, yes but may i mention that i'm still your mother. So do you really want to send me to the graveyard from a heart attack rather than old age?"

"You can't do that to me," i released a hesitant laugh, actually thinking that this is a joke, "it's been a year since Maddy and i have settled with being with one another so no lecture will make me change things just because you don't like it."

"We'll see how this goes. But remember the last sentence i just said. Besides, this time away you'll give her will only prove how much she actually loves you, don't you think?"

My body literally went numb at this point, glancing between the both to finally accept that this is the biggest trap i could have possibly gotten myself into.


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