33 - ruined career

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- Maddy -
-- A Few Months Later --

I delivered a few knocks on the office door and heard the acceptance to walk in. "Right on time, Maddy." Mr Wells spoke out and i noticed as the room held two more people.

"What's going on? I thought i was only called here to get some papers you forgot to give me at graduation." I announced and hesitatingly took a seat just in front of the man and woman.

"Yes! Of course! The results from your exams, never handed them to you so here." The counselor took a seat next to me, handing over the paper.

"Okay? Can i go now?" I was about to stand up but Mr Wells stopped me. "Just hang here for a minute or two. We all want to talk to you."

"About?" I dragged the word out, glancing between the three people with pure confusion. "About Lauren and you." He said and my heart skipped a beat. "What? Why? Has something happened to her?! Where is she?!" I immediately questioned.

"Hopefully far away but you see, these two want to know a few things that will determine how everything ends up for this case."

"Come again? Know what? Am i being confronted? Put into jail or something? I'm 18! I'm allowed to do whatever i want and was even back then."

"Maddy," i heard as the woman had spoke, bringing my attention on her, "we're not from the police and aren't here to bring you any trouble."

"Then what?! Listen! I never agreed on meeting you all for some chat and i have an important email i'm waiting for so i have to be at home." I stood up, ready to cut this short without knowing what this is about.

"An email from the art college?" The man asked, having me stop. "Sit back down, Maddy. The more you drag this on, the longer it will take for you to see their answer whether you're getting in or not." He finished off and i took a seat again.

"I'll begin with the fact that this conversation will depend an outcome to a few things. If you hadn't known, this school is popular, known across many other cities for being modern and a great place for student education so this case about you and being in a romantic relationship with a teacher ruined the reputation by loads." He explained.

"Sadly enough, no way on getting rid of the rumor that spread around but all we can do is find out the details and the truth about it and then we'll see what we can do."

"God. What do you want from me? To you all, i'll be carefully explaining about what happened between me and her?!"

"We want to know who was at fault. That's all. So, Maddy, i recommend you work this out with us and we'll never bother you about it ever again."

"Tell us, Maddy, was she the one that seduce you? Had she forced you to be apart of things you didn't want?"

"Excuse me?! What nonsense type of questions are those?!" I immediately fired out. "Maddy, please, work with them. This is also your chance to confess and make Lauren regret on doing something like this to anyone ever again." Mr Wells added in.

"Exactly. So back to my question. Did you freely accept to be apart of everything or did she forced you to? May i remind you that this determines a lot of things. I want your honesty, Maddy. Lauren will get what she deserves if she put you through stuff you didn't apply for."

I went quiet after hearing the man speak. My heart was racing like never before. It felt like i was literally being put at gun point for having to choose between two answers.

If i tell the truth then i can say goodbye to getting into the college or my clear image as a good person for the future but if i lie then i'll ruin Lauren's life to the fullest from putting all the blame on her..

"So? Just a simple answer. Both," the man rested his elbows on his knees, staring back at me with hope, "or just her? And now that i think about it, it could also be just you but Mr Wells said you aren't that type of student, never was to do such things so you're left with two options but only your decision about which one it is."

My hand clenched into fist, at this point knowing how serious this moment is and i basically gulped down all the tensed emotions to finally confess.

"Both. She never did anything that harmed me and for all i care, you can put all the blame on only me. Ms Hale was as professional as a teacher could be but yes, overtime we happened to break the main rule but there was no going back when we realized." I admitted and stood up, "can i go now?"

"Yes, Maddy. You may go. Thank you for telling us. Won't be bothering you about it anymore."

- - -
I forced the front door open and shut it behind me, my back laying right on it to take a breath. It's taking everything in me to not actually cry right now and i think the main cause was from just hearing anything about Lauren after these months.

"Darling?" I heard my mom's voice come from the kitchen and i immediately gathered myself together, making my way towards it.

The sight of my dad sitting just next to her filled my view, an open laptop just on the counter. "What's going on?" I asked and took a seat in front and Spencer turned the screen right towards me.

"You didn't get in." My mom confessed, my eyes not even bothering to read the email as i studied them out to try and understand if this is a joke. "I didn't?" I whispered back, the pure disbelief filling me.

"You didn't, Maddy. And there goes your career. For the sake of some stupid little fling." My dad added in. "What fling?! What the fuck does that have to do with her right now?!" The anger took the best of me and i slammed the laptop closed.

"Maddy! The fucking email says it and that's exactly why they can't let such a student in! You ruined everything and because of what?! Because you wanted to have fun in your last year of high school with a fucking teacher?!" Spencer began but i didn't even want to bother hearing anything from them so i rushed right up the stairs, slamming the door behind.


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