15 - sunset swim

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- Lauren -

I loaded the furnace with a few more logs and closed the door, gradually making my way back to the front of the cabin.

I walked up to the window that showcased the lake just in the distance, the sight of Maddy just dangling her feet over deck had my lips plastered a smile.

The perfect sunset even had me look at it for a little while yet soon enough i made my way to the kitchen, knowing a hot tea will be the best after she comes back in.

As i sat two cups on the counter though, i noticed Maddy's backpack just on it, same with her sketch book just near. From curiosity i reached out and grabbed it, carefully flipping to the last drawing she has done.

"Oh god." Those words immediately left my mouth from seeing the sketch. I kept on flipping the pages back though, my eyes widening more and more from how lively every paper looked. Black and white images, pencil only used but it looked real. I knew she had talent but seeing this again.. i couldn't even comprehend the amazement.

"Listen! I would be so down to go for a swim, Lauren. The view is literally-" My gaze darted up from hearing her voice traveled inside. "What are you doing?"

"Maddy, i'm so sorry. But- Oh my god. This is absolutely gorgeous! You should submit an application into an art college, sweetheart!" I looked back down, flipping a few more before stopping on one.

"This is yours too?!" I examined the top part of a woman's body, her hands covered her bare chest just right for the sketch to not entirely be considered as nudity.

"Well i usually do those types of drawings in a different sketch book but when i thought of that, i didn't have that notebook with me." I heard Maddy announce.

"What are you planning to do? Because this is pure talent, sweetheart. I can't even- Maddy, please consider making this your career. There's not even a possibility for any art college to not take in your work!"

"That's exactly what i'll be doing. 6 months until i graduate and then off to art college." I studied her soft smile as she admitted, even having me relieved that she has already decided that.

"I'm glad to hear that. But i'm also sorry. I fully remember what you said about people not touching your stuff without permission but at this point i am proud to have looked inside." I spoke back truthfully yet closed it and handed it back to her.

"I was exaggerating back then so don't worry." Maddy responded with a light laugh, putting the notebook completely away. "But uhh, i also saw the last sketches. It seems as i've been your latest inspiration." I confessed, wanting to see what she'd say about that.

"Mhm. You have been. It's hard not to lay down the image of you in class. Well at most that's the only time i get to study you for the longest to make that perfect replica." Her proud smile widened, clearly not afraid to admit it.

"I love them, Maddy. I look better in those than in reality." I rolled out a laugh yet she didn't hesitate to walk around the counter, breaking the distance between us.

"Don't ever say that again! I can't even describe in words about how beautiful you look in my point of view. For all i care, i'll give you lecture if that's not enough for me to convince you." The girls face was serious, meaning every part of that.

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