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He took a deep breath in preparation as he watched his boyfriend through the restaurant's see-through windows.

Every Friday, they had settled into having a small date to unwind after the intense week, and that day, Pierre had chosen to meet at his favorite restaurant.

Alejandro always thought Pierre was the most beautiful man he knew.

He gazed in admiration as the man's green eyes skimmed through the order menu, his full pink lips curled in annoyance. He was thirty minutes late for their dinner date and he knew Pierre would give him an earful.

"I thought you were going to cancel again, Mon chere." His light voice called as he sat across from his green-eyed lover.

"I'm so sorry, babe. Something had come up. Have you already ordered something?" Alejandro chose not to tell him about the whole issue with his brother because of the mutual dislike they held toward each other.

Pierre's eyes scrutinized him for a moment more before nodding, his hands stretching across the table to envelop Alejandro's.

"Oui. I just ordered some ravioli with shredded chicken and cheese for you. I am still indecisive about what I should have..." Pierre answered. "On another thought, I think I'll just have a salad and a mimosa. I'm not hungry anyway." He concluded, the diamonds on his family's ring, catching the light of the room as he gestured at the waiter.

Alejandro admired the man wordlessly. He still did not know how he had managed to get together with the beauty of a man. The man's perfect lips moved as he told the waiter what he wanted. God, his boyfriend was perfect. It was too bad Pierre was still unprepared to meet his family.

"You're gawking again, Yin." Pierre pointed out, his ears and cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink.

Alejandro watched as he pushed his red hair behind his ears. He should have helped him with that.

"It's not my fault that you're so beautiful." He said, softly caressing the middle of Pierre's palm with his thumb.

The waiter arrived with their food and drinks and Pierre thanked him.

He was good with presenting himself in formal-like social settings while Alejandro preferred to keep quiet.

Most times his fists moved before his lips.

Fun stuff.

"So how was your last exam? I heard that you political scientists had it easy?" Pierre started after a while of quiet eating and he just shrugged.

"Well, I didn't come across what I haven't seen before," he said honestly and his boyfriend chuckled.

It was only his second year of studying and so far, it had been easy for him.

"I wish I could say the same. These final year projects are brutal." Pierre said with a frown. "I wish I was still in the first or second year like you. When Literature was all about figures of speech and literary devices."

Alejandro shook his head in disbelief.

Pierre was the smartest person he knew and all of these complaints could be because of a 'B' that he got on his exams.

"You'll be fine. You're lucky you're almost done. I still have like what? Three years? I'll be lucky if another wave of the virus doesn't extend the time." He grumbled, smiling as successfully made Pierre laugh.

"I guess you're right. Covid won't bother you if you transfer to Paris. The wave is not as bad as it is here in London." Pierre prompted and Alejandro sighed tiredly. "Don't tell me you haven't made up your mind." His fairy's leafy eyes narrowed at him.

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