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"Dad!" Alvaro grinned as Rory almost tackled him with a hug.

She was incredibly lucky Alvaro was strong.

"Honey!" He was still smiling as he kissed her hair and patted it down. "Damn, this bird's nest. How long has it been?"

"It's been months!" She said as they eventually pulled away, eyes wide as he offered her a white rose.

For some odd reason, it was a tradition between the both of them and the estate's garden suffered miserably as a result.

"Thank you!" She giggled as he pinned it by the side of her ear, finally noticing the three men behind her.

"At this point, you're taller than half of the guards. Fucking hell!" he said in pure shock then scoffed.

Alejandro laughed while Casimiro chuckled, the both of them huddling Alvaro as the man still grumbled. He was the one who taught them how to swear.

They were 6'3 inches tall and still seemed like they had a lot of growth spurt left in them.

"I honestly can't believe you're taller than me!" He said as they finally let go of him. "Oh, hello."

His warm expression dissolved into one of curiosity and Alejandro exhaled and stepped back to put an arm behind Pierre who looked nervous as hell.

He looked everywhere else but at the man his boyfriend held in the second highest regard.

"Uncle, this is my boyfriend, Pierre Blanchette. Pierre, Alvaro Montezuma —the one and only." Alejandro introduced and Pierre bowed his head in slight regard.

Varo just watched with a raised eyebrow.

"Mr- Don Montez, it's nice to finally meet you," Pierre said, smiling coyly as he said all that they had rehearsed. "I've been told a lot about you and I love your coat."

The last part got Alvaro's attention and he broke into a grin.

He ignored Pierre's stretched palm and hugged him instead, roughly parting the smaller man's back.

"Yeah, I'll give you points for that. But flattery won't work on Gato so just be you.."

Alejandro was finally relieved.

Alvaro accepted him. His father and sister would have no problems with him.

His eyes met Pierre and the latter sent him a warm smile.

"You're doing great!"


"Is that your natural hair color? It's really pretty!" Tomiwa said, respectfully admiring Pierre's hair from a distance and he just nodded with a cute splash of red dusting his cheeks. "How did you and Yin meet?"

"I met him through my sister. She used to study in his department," he explained almost nervously.

"For real? How'd she link you up? Did he like you first or—"

"Princess, stop interrogating my boyfriend. Let him breathe!" Alejandro yelled from the kitchen as he grabbed a quick bite.

"Oh, whatever!"

They had arrived at the estate a while ago, thinking their father would be there. Alvaro said he had a business but would be back soon.

Alejandro had exercised the airplane food away and needed something to eat but the staff were off duty in preparation for the Easter dinner. He was stuck with making a cheese sandwich but without the cheese.

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