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He was angry.

There were so many things going wrong at the same damn time.

On one hand, his brother had some sort of cold war with his father and on the other hand, the stupid Claude was threatening to rat them out to the police if they did not send him the fifty thousand pounds.

He had a few million sitting pretty in his checking account but would be damned if he paid a single dime to a snitch that he had no intention of letting live for longer than a couple of days.

Speaking of which— what the fuck is Joseph doing?

He had been unable to contact the Rizzler for the past two days and had run out of reasons to justify the man's failure.

He was going to tell Juju to set a fight between the both of them with the sole purpose of beating up the idiot.

"Careful there, Yin. You're going to pop a vein."

His vision settled on the pretty deceitful face staring at him with an amused smirk as she watched him lift the barbells on the bench press. Almost instinctively, she helped him hold it in the air, suspending it for a moment until he set it between the rack.

"Hani, when did you get back?" Alejandro asked, slightly out of breath as he picked up the water bottle next to him. From the camo pants that she wore, he figured that she had only just returned.

"A few minutes ago. My dad and mom don't know yet." Hanifa replied, sitting on the floor right in front of him with her knees to her chest.

"Huh, how's field life?" He questioned, grinning as she shrugged.

"Decent, I guess." She had always been a bit too humble for his liking.

In three years, she had managed to gain some recognition in the form of a good number of medals including one for gallantry during a peacekeeping gone wrong in Denmark. Alvaro had nearly lost his mind when all he could do was watch buildings blow up on the news and pray she returned home safe.

She had sent them a 'Don't miss me too much.' gift basket including pictures of her doing the peace sign next to battle tanks. The woman had casually forgotten to tell the family that she was also promoted to Sergeant.

Hanifa Montezuma was insane.

It was one of the many reasons Alejandro loved her.

"Why are you here instead of at your dad's?" He asked after drinking a good amount of water. He had spent so much energy letting off steam and had no idea he was so dehydrated.

"You know my dad. I think he's still upset with me about the whole Denmark thing." She said, smiling but he could see a hint of sadness there.

"I think his reasons are valid. We were worried over here." Alejandro replied and she rolled her eyes.

"Hmm, but I'm fine now, aren't I?" she asked before suddenly getting up.

"Yes, because you're a fucking psychopath."

"Says the one with a personality disorder." she retorted. "Rory told me you finally brought your little boyfriend home."

"Little?" Yinasked as she rounded the bench press. "You two are the same age."

"But he's like 5 '6." She teased, "I'm a lot taller."

"You must really be riding the hell out of being six feet, huh."

Her hands rounded the barbell as she nodded, "I have no shame in that. Did Uncle like him?"

Alejandro sighed as he lay under the weights, trusting her to keep it from falling and crushing his lungs.

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