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He could barely close his eyes.

His mind kept wandering back to Tomiwa and eventually, he set up a chair right in front of his bed where she slept and watched her.

What would he tell his brother or father? Right, she said I should keep it a secret.

He leaned into the chair in sheer exasperation.

Alejandro was going to kill him.

He wondered how he was going to even explain himself, knowing how much Yin would have looked forward to hanging out with their dad. Looking at Tomiwa again, he shook his head. He made the right choice.

A loud knock startled him, waking up his drowsy mind, "Casimiro, you better fucking answer!"

Standing up, he wondered if he needed to call a funeral home first.

Before he got to the door, it swung open, missing him by a couple of inches.

"Why weren't you answering?" Alejandro asked, narrowing his eyes at him as he roughly pulled back his loose twists from falling in front of his face.

It was unlike him to not have them braided or in a bun.

"I was busy."

"Busy?!" He quickly closed his brother's mouth with his palm before the voice could get any louder.

"Don't yell. Tomi isn't feeling well." He whispered before Alejandro's eyes finally fell on their sleeping sister.

He snatched his brother's hand away from his face, "Don't fucking touch me." At least his voice was calmer.

Casimiro sighed, stepping outside and locking the door behind them, "Look, I'm sorry I couldn't make it-"

"What do you want, Casimiro?" Alejandro asked, rubbing his face in pure frustration.


"What the fuck do you want? Because you cannot stay here and say he isn't making an effort when he's working his ass off to get to know you and you're acting like a fucking cabron. So what the fuck do you want?!" Alejandro yelled. "Do you want to go back to London? Because I'm not going to fucking stop you. You can stay there for the rest of your life and pretend like your family abandoned you. Is that what you want to do?"

Casimiro let out a shaky exhale and placed a hand on the door knob, "Are you done?"

"For fuck's sake, Casi—"

"If you're done, you can fucking leave. I'm not going to argue with you again." He said calmly, already wanting to retire for the night.

Alejandro watched him in disbelief, his mouth narrowly agape.

"What did he even do?" He questioned. "What horrible thing did dad do that you can't forgive him?"

You would not understand.

"He hurt us-"

"And have you not hurt him enough? You really want to do the same for the next ten years before you become even? Is that what mom taught us?"

He felt his teeth clench at the last question but he willed away his anger.

"Don't ever put him and mom in the same sentence." When he saw that Alejandro had nothing else to say, he pushed open his door. "Goodnight, Alejandro."

Thankfully, his brother did not stop him as he shut the door, hearing slow footsteps move away from the door.

He had barely sat down before his phone pinged and he unlocked it absentmindedly, going to check Tomiwa's temperature.

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