Echoes of Farewell: The Journey Truly Begins

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With Cocoyasi still in ruins, they were directed to settle temporarily on government property, as the local inns were too small to take them in. The marines accompanying them were assigned the responsibility of monitoring the civilians until further instructions were received.

Meanwhile with Ges...

[Birch] So, are you both done with your meal?

[Mitsure] I-I am finished...

[Ges] Mmphmmhphmph...!

Ges stuffed her mouth, devouring the food without realizing how quickly she finished. As she swallowed the last bite, the corners of her mouth were smeared, and an unexpected loud fart escaped her as she held her bloated stomach. Mitsuru and Birch exchanged disgusted glances and gagged.

[Ges] *fanning herself* Sssooorrryyy...where are my manners, hehe...anyways, I'm finished now!

[Birch] Okay then, let me show you. Mitsuru, don't worry about the mess, while you guys are gone I'll fix this entire place up.

In an unknown room in the lab - Birch

[Birch] So, where do I even begin? Oh yes, yes, let me start with communication.

[Ges] A transponder snail? Coolzies!

[Birch] No, no my girl, this is one of the biggest innovations you'll see firsthand.

As Birch navigated through the cluttered room, their eyes fell upon a desk buried under heaps of random inventions. They quickly sifted through them until their fingers closed around a thin rectangular block. It had a blank screen on it, but what truly caught Ges's attention were the mimic snail eyes perched at the top. Flipping it over, was a design on the back featuring the text "Birch" in vibrant, bright blue hues, adding a personal touch.

[Birch] Ta-da! Behold, one of my finest inventions yet!

[Ges] It's just a block with snail eyes...I don't get what's special about it.

[Birch] And that is where you're wrong. You see, this block acts as a navigational tool and transponder snail. Let me turn it on...

Birch pressed the side button, and the screen flickered to life, revealing an array of icons and symbols. Among them, were a transponder snail symbol along with one labeled "GPS" and several others. Birch handed the block to Ges, who examined it closely. Mitsuru leaned in over Ges's shoulder, equally intrigued.

[Birch] Why don't you take a look around and explore the functions?

[Ges] But how...?

[Birch] It's a touch screen, so just use your finger.

[Ges] *pressing the GPS icon and showing Birch* What's this?

[Birch] This function allows you to scan your surroundings when setting sail. You can keep track of where you are and even create a map as you journey. The world honestly isn't how it used to be... so I'm not sure if the traditional log pose would even work. Rumor has it that the Marines were making a new batch of them.

[Ges] But how will I know where I am or where to dock my boat?

[Birch] You will hear a beeping noise and an outline of the area will be shown, don't worry, it's rather simple to figure out. In case you can't figure it's another invention.

here's another invention

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