Under Lock & Key I

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[Mitsuru] C-Can we pretend that w-we didn't...?

[Ges] It's up ahead!

They quickened their pace, the urgency driving them forward as the once distant voices grew clearer.

[???] Help! Help! HEEEELPPP!

In the distance, an A.Q.U.A grunt struggled with an undead corpse, fending off its relentless attacks but gradually losing ground. As the grunt noticed Ges and Mitsuru, his eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope.

[Ges] Gagh...!

[Mitsuru] W-We should have n-no part in this...!

[Ges] But...this one guy specifically hasn't done anything to us!

[???] Please miss! HELP!

[Mitsuru] Caesar...n-no...

[Ges] Dangit...

Ges then sprinted towards the undead corpse, her fist cocked back as she delivered a hard blow to its head, causing its head to slam violently onto the ground. Before it could get up, Ges stomped on its head, until it stopped moving. When it was over, she found her sandals stained with blood and brain matter, and her breath running short. Beside her, the A.Q.U.A grunt stood still, with no reaction at all.

[Ges] *huff...huff...* You've gotta be more careful, ya know!! Are you hurt, or anything?

[A.Q.U.A Grunt] Fufufufufu...

[Ges] ...What? I mean I love fufu too, but this prooobablyyy isn't a good moment...

[Mitsuru] C-Caesar...look! I-I-I-It was...a...a...setup!

The grunt gave a sinister smile and shook ever so slightly as if he were a lunatic. The leaves also rustled ominously around her, accompanied by the unsettling sound of something being loaded causing Ges to turn slowly, only to be confronted by three other grunts disguised in grass and shrubs, their rifles aimed menacingly at her temple.

[Ges] ...!

[A.Q.U.A Grunt] This dumb jade actually fell for it!

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 1] Well well well...look at what we have here. I can tell you're not from around here.

He pressed the gun's barrel crown against Ges's forehead, and she flinched.

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 1] We were ordered to keep watch around these parts by one of our bosses, so my question is...what business do you have here?

With sweat dripping from her brow, Ges nervously grinned and let out a shaky chuckle, trying to mask her fear.

[Ges] Just traveling along with my homegirl, nothing more, nothing less...

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 2] Hot dang! Look at this one, she's so pretty and small!

As Grunt 2 approached Mitsuru, whose legs trembled and tears welled in his eyes, the grunt flashed a flirtatious yet sinister grin before setting his weapon aside.

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 2] What's your name, darling? A bit of a scary place to be at, huh?

[Mitsuru] I...I...I-I...I-I...

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 1] Bahahahahaha! She's like a broken snail fax machine! Er..er-er...er!

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 2] Cut it out for a sec, I'm trying to speak to this very beautiful lady.

[Mitsuru] T-T-Thank y-

[A.Q.U.A Grunt 2] It's my pleasure, now according to our procedures in our guidebook, we're supposed to detain you both, before asking if you'd like to join our cause. Now, because I'm such a handsome and generous guy, I won't put you both in cuffs, we'll just escort you to one of our bases. Maybe there, you'll be more...convinced, to join us, because quite frankly, I don't want to take lethal measures.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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