♡CHAPTER 8 {Unknown feeling}♡

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Chapter 7: unknown feeling


As Noor's condition worsened, Haidar's concern deepened. He swiftly turned to Alex,

"Call the doctor now." Alex nodded, understanding the urgency in Haidar's voice.

He Called the doctor. Meanwhile, Haidar gently lifted Noor into his arms, her delicate frame feeling fragile against his sturdy form.

With determined steps, he made his way through the grand halls of the mansion towards his room, where he carefully laid her down on the soft bed.

Jenny, who had been informed by Alex, rushed into the room, her face etched with worry.

"What happened, Mr.Khan? Is Noor okay?" she asked anxiously.

Haidar, his usual composed demeanor shaken by concern, replied, "She fainted. The doctor is on the way."

Just then, the doctor arrived, a sense of urgency in his movements as he examined Noor. After a thorough check-up, she reassured everyone,

"Noor is fine. The fainting was likely a result of panic. She just needs some rest and she'll be back to normal soon."

Relief washed over everyone's face as he thanked the doctor profusely. Haidar remained near the bed, his eyes never leaving Noor's face, his worry palpable in the air.

Alex returned to the room, looking concerned.

"Is she going to be okay?" he asked, his voice filled with worry. Jenny replied,

"Yes, she just needs some rest and relaxation."

Haidar's gaze never leaving Noor's serene face.

"Jenny make sure she gets everything she needs," he told jenny.

"Of course Mr.Khan I'll take care of her. Don't worry." She replied sincerely.

Everyone left the room except Jenny she stayed with Noor.

As the night stretched on, Haidar found himself unable to sleep. His mind was consumed by thoughts of Noor, her delicate figure resting in his room, her vulnerability stirring a protective instinct within him.

He tossed and turned, his usual composure shaken by the events of the past days. He couldn't shake off the image of her pale face as she lay unconscious, her breathing shallow and uneven.

He replayed their brief conversations, the moments of tenderness and concern that had passed between them, each memory heightening his sense of responsibility towards her.

As the first rays of dawn painted the sky, Haidar's phone rang, breaking the silence of the early morning. With a sense of urgency, he answered the call, his brow furrowing as he listened intently to the voice on the other end.

"It's urgent," the voice said, confirming Haidar's fears. There was no way around it; he had to leave immediately for a business matter that couldn't be postponed. With a heavy sigh, Haidar hung up the phone and glanced around the room, his thoughts still lingering on Noor.

He knew he couldn't delay his departure, but the thought of leaving her behind unsettled him. Quickly, he gathered his essentials, his mind racing with a mix of emotions. Concern for Noor battled with the demands of his work, creating a tumultuous inner conflict.

Before leaving he inform Jenny to take care of her. Russo went with Haidar. Alex stayed in the house.



The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow in Haidar's room where Noor had spent the night. As she slowly regained consciousness, a wave of realization washed over her.

She wasn't in her own room. This was Haidar's room, and memories of the past two days flooded back into her mind. Noor sat up slowly, her thoughts in turmoil. She remembered how He had came to her rescue when she fainted, how he had taken care of her with such concern. Yet, underlying her gratitude was a seed of resentment.

She felt upset that she had been in such a vulnerable state. Deciding to keep her distance, Noor resolved not to face Him directly. She would stay in his room only as long as necessary, then retreat to her own space.

Lost in her thoughts, Noor was startled when Jenny entered the room, her expression filled with concern.

"Noor, how are you feeling now?" Jenny asked, her voice gentle.

Noor forced a small smile, trying to mask her inner turmoil. "I'm better, thank you." she replied softly.

Jenny sat beside her, a comforting presence. "You had us all worried yesterday. Do you remember what happened?"

Noor nodded, her gaze dropping to her hands clasped in her lap. "Yes, I remember. I fainted due to panic." she admitted, her tone tinged with embarrassment.

Jenny placed a reassuring hand on Noor's shoulder. "It's okay, dear. These things happen. The important thing is that you're feeling better now."

Noor hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Jenny, I think I'd like to go back to my room." she said quietly, her decision firm. Jenny looked at her with understanding.

"Of course, dear."

As they are leaving, Noor couldn't shake off the conflicting emotions swirling inside her. She appreciated Haidar's care but also felt a sense of unease about depending on him. As they walked towards Noor's room, she resolved to keep her distance from Haidar, at least for the time being.

As Noor settled back into her room, the familiar surroundings provided a sense of comfort amidst the storm of emotions swirling within her. She sat by the window, staring out at the serene landscape, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. Jenny, noticing Noor's quiet contemplation, sat beside her, offering a comforting presence.

"It's natural to feel overwhelmed after everything that's happened," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy.

Noor nodded, grateful for Jenny's understanding. "I just need some time to myself," she admitted, her gaze still fixed on the outside world.

Jenny gave her a reassuring smile. "Take all the time you need, dear. We're all here for you when you needed. "

As the days passed, Noor immersed herself in her routines, finding solace in the familiar activities that brought her a sense of normalcy. She spent time with Jenny, helping around the mansion, and occasionally ventured into the garden, finding peace among the blooming flowers and chirping birds.

Despite her efforts to keep busy, thoughts of Haidar lingered in the back of her mind. Meanwhile, Haidar's absence weighed heavily on her heart..

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