♡CHAPTER 10 {Emotions}♡

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Chapter 9:

As the days passed and their interactions continued, Haidar found himself increasingly drawn to Noor's presence. Her innocence, resilience, and the way she carried herself despite the challenging circumstances captivated him. Yet, beneath his growing affection, lay layers of uncertainty and hesitation.

Haidar, known for his pragmatic and calculated approach to life, found himself in uncharted territory. He couldn't shake off the feeling that Noor had awakened something within him, something he had long buried under layers of responsibilities and guarded emotions.

On the other hand, Noor grappled with her own inner turmoil. She felt a magnetic pull towards Haidar, his enigmatic persona both intimidating and intriguing.

However, the circumstances of their first meeting and the shadows of his hidden life cast doubt on whether her budding feelings were genuine or merely a result of their shared experiences.Their interactions, though often fraught with tension and unspoken words, also held moments of genuine connection and understanding.

Haidar's occasional glimpses of vulnerability and tenderness towards her left Noor questioning the complexities of her own emotions.As they navigated this delicate dance between attraction and apprehension, both Haidar and Noor found themselves confronting deeper questions about trust, vulnerability, and the true nature of their feelings.



As the sun cast its gentle glow into the kitchen, Noor found herself engrossed in the morning chores. Haidar arrived home from the office, feeling the weight of the day's responsibilities. As he entered the mansion, he heard the faint clinking of utensils from the kitchen, drawing his attention.

Curious, he walked towards the kitchen, wondering who could be there at this hour. Pushing the door slightly, he peered inside.

His eyes immediately falling on Noor. She was standing near the cabinets, dressed in a toe-length plain printed blue colour gown that accentuated her graceful figure, a matching dupatta draped elegantly over her shoulders. Her hair, usually cascading in waves, was tied in a bun today, giving her a more serene look. What struck him most was her natural beauty, devoid of any makeup yet radiating a captivating charm.

 What struck him most was her natural beauty, devoid of any makeup yet radiating a captivating charm

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Mesmerized, Haidar leaned against the doorframe, silently watching her.

Noor was engrossed in reaching for a jar on the top shelf, unaware of his presence. Her delicate fingers stretched upwards, showcasing a glimpse of vulnerability that tugged at his heartstrings.

He couldn't help but admire her from afar, appreciating the simplicity and purity in her demeanor. With each movement, she exuded a quiet grace that drew him closer, his steps almost instinctively bringing him to her side.As he approached, Noor must have sensed his presence or perhaps heard his footsteps.

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