♡CHAPTER 14 {Healer}♡

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Chapter 14: He protect her.



Arriving at their destination, Haidar wasted no time in helping Noor inside. He took her in his arms and went to her room. Her condition had worsened, evident in the way she struggled to maintain composure, her eyes haunted by the recent events. He put her on the bed. Haidar knelt beside her, his expression a mix of worry and determination.

"Noor, I'm here for you. You're safe now."
She doesn't respond.

"You stay here, I'll bring water and medicine to you." He said and left.



Haidar left. She took step towards washroom her steps heavy with the weight of the evening's events. She bypassed the living room's warm glow, heading straight for the bathroom. The tiled floor felt cool beneath her feet as she closed the door behind her, shutting out the world momentarily.

The soft hum of the shower greeted her ears as she turned the knob, letting icy water cascade down. The chill pierced through her, shocking her senses awake. She stood still, letting the cold water wash over her, numbing her skin.

Her fingers clenched, and she scrubbed at her arms as if trying to cleanse away more than just physical dirt. Each drop that fell felt like a reminder of her inner turmoil, echoing in the hollows of the bathroom.

Disgust mingled with despair as she stared blankly at the tiles, water droplets mixing with silent tears. Her reflection in the misted mirror seemed unfamiliar. She rubbed harder, as if hoping to scrub away the pain etched into her soul.

The minutes stretched into eternity as she stood there, lost in a whirlwind of emotions. Broken and shattered, she felt as though the world had crumbled around her. The weight of expectations, fears, and uncertainties pressed down relentlessly.



Haidar returned to the room with water and medicine for Noor, but she wasn't there. He could hear the water running in the bathroom. He waited for a while, hoping she would come out, but as time passed, he grew more worried. When it got late, he finally knocked on the bathroom door.

"Noor, are you okay in there?" His voice carried a mix of concern and urgency.There was no response at first, just the sound of water splashing against the tiles. Haidar waited, his heart pounding in his chest. When silence persisted, he knocked again, this time with a bit more force.

"Noor, please answer me. I'm worried about you." he called out, his voice tinged with growing concern.Still, there was no reply from within the bathroom. Fear gnawed at Haidar's insides as he contemplated the worst case scenarios. With each passing moment of silence, his resolve strengthened.

He knew he couldn't wait any longer.Taking a deep breath, Haidar decided to fetch the spare keys. He returned to the bathroom door, the sound of water still audible, and unlocked it with trembling hands.

Pushing the door open slowly, Haidar's heart raced as he braced himself for what he might find.

Unlocking the door, Haidar's heart clenched at the sight before him. Noor stood under the unforgiving shower, her movements frantic as she tried to cleanse herself of an unseen stain. Her dress drenched in water.

Her eyes, usually bright with life, were now dull and haunted, reflecting the depth of her trauma.Without hesitation, Haidar stepped into the bathroom, his footsteps muffled by the rush of water. He reached out to stop her, his voice a gentle plea amidst the chaos.

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