♡CHAPTER 22 {Date Night}♡

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Chapter 22: Date night


Noor's POV:

Noor ran from the room, her face flushed red and her heart pounding. She couldn’t stop replaying the moment in her mind: Haidar's lips brushing her cheek, the warmth of his kiss lingering on her skin. She touched her cheek and smiled, the memory making her feel giddy and embarrassed at the same time. She tried to calm her racing heart as she descended the stairs, each step feeling lighter than the last.

As she reached the dining table, Alex noticed her red face and looked concerned.

Descending the stairs, she took deep breaths to calm herself. Her mind raced with thoughts of Haidar and the unexpected kiss.

As she reached the dining room, she tried to appear composed, but her face was still a bright shade of red. Alex, sitting at the dining table, immediately noticed her and frowned with concern.

"Noor, are you okay? You're all red," he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Noor's eyes widened in panic. She needed an excuse, fast.

"I... um..." she stammered, trying to think of something plausible.Alex stood up, his concern deepeni

"What happened? Are you feeling sick?"

Desperate, Noor blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "I saw a rat. A big rat," she said, trying to sound convincing.

Alex's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "A rat? Where?"

"In... in my room," she replied, hoping he would believe her.

Meanwhile, Haidar entered the dining area, not having heard their conversation. He sat down in his chair, oblivious to the nervous energy emanating from Noor. Everyone else was present, and Alex turned to Haidar with a perplexed expression.

"Boss, is there a rat in your room?" Alex asked, looking confused.

Haidar, puzzled, responded, "What?"

Alex elaborated, "Noor came down two minutes ago and said she saw a big rat in your room. She got scared and turned all red."

Haidar choked on his juice, trying to suppress a laugh. He looked at Noor, amusement dancing in his eyes. He understood that Noor had run from the room and used the rat as an excuse.
She quickly diverted her gaze, feeling even more embarrassed.

Alex, still concerned, pressed on.
"Should we get someone to check for the rat? It could be dangerous."

Haidar, trying to suppress his laughter, shook his head. "No need. I'm sure the rat is... harmless."

Alex looked confused. "But what if it comes back?"

Haidar smirked, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I think the rat won't be a problem anymore."

Noor, trying to maintain her composure, mumbled, "Yes, it's probably gone by now."

Alex, still not fully convinced, asked, "Are you sure? We could set up traps or call pest control."

Haidar nodded, his amusement barely contained. "Absolutely. No need to worry."

Alex sat back down, still looking a bit uncertain. "Well, if you're both sure..."

Haidar glanced at Noor again, his expression one of barely concealed laughter. "Yes, we're sure."

Everyone around the table started laughing, the tension easing as they enjoyed the humorous moment. Noor's cheeks remained flushed, but she couldn’t help but smile at the absurdity of the situation. Haidar's amused gaze lingered on her, making her heart flutter once more.

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